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 Help Bring Another Software Title to The Mac
A while back, May 17th, 2003 to be exact, I posted an article asking for support to help bring the game Uru Ages beyond Myst to the Mac. Well, today I got an e-mail asking me to take a survey for Uru. It had your basic stuff, but one of the questions was of particular inteest. It asked why I had not purchased the game, and one of the choices for that question was "I am waiting for the Mac version".

So I am posting a link to this survey in hopes that we can get as many people taking the survey to ask them for a Mac version. Even if you don't plan on playing the game, I hope you see the importance of having as many software titles for the Mac available as possible. This particular game has significance because the Myst team has always had good Mac support, and this is the first time they have released a Myst game with no Mac support. The first version of Myst was even written in Hypercard for cryin' out loud!

So please, as a Myst, Riven, and Exile addict, please take time to take the survey and ask for a Mac version!

Here is the Link: http://webemailer.com/C.dll/Jt7Z0rB650M83me83lTD9wU2109J.htm

December 6 2003, 2:06 AM EDT, by

Jonathan 12/6/03, 4:18 AM EDT
I hope it doesn't suck as bad as shadowbane :P

Jack Armstrong 12/6/03, 9:09 AM EDT
believe me, it doesn't. I played it on my friend's PC (just the demo) and it was INCREDIBLE.

it also has an online version, which is availble in February.

sweetjimmyhugs 12/6/03, 11:50 AM EDT
I'm not much of a gamer, but I took the survey to help out. I'd like to see more software of any kind on the Mac.

Martin Kuhn 12/7/03, 12:56 AM EDT
Thanks for the link iKen. I've taken the liberty of seeding the survey in a few of the popular URU/Myst forums.

Jack Armstrong 12/7/03, 12:58 AM EDT
ditto to martin - i'm spreading the word... i know lots of mac users with Myst ties, and vice versa. the word will spread. we will succeed. We Will take over this earth-

i'm sorry, did i say something?

Martin Kuhn 12/7/03, 1:14 AM EDT
Nothing wrong that I'm aware of Jack.

SteinAuf 12/7/03, 9:24 AM EDT
I bought Myst and Riven. Though I ran them on Windows, I was aware of their Mac support. I'm very surprised they released Uru without it.

SickStuff 12/7/03, 11:19 AM EDT
Apple even has a Pro piece on creating the soundtrack for Uru yet it is not released for the Mac..... http://www.apple.com/pro/audio/larkin/

iKen 12/7/03, 4:28 PM EDT
I know, with all of myst's ties to the Mac, it is shocking that they don't already have Mac support.

unix man 12/13/03, 12:43 PM EDT
I know one thing for sure, if Ubi releases a Mac version it will sell like hotcakes and thanks for the earnestness of websites like this one URU for the Mac has a better chance to come. I've already took the survey too.

unix man 12/13/03, 1:34 PM EDT
Hey I just noticed 3 signatures of the Mac petition, interesting :

#179 Steve Jobs
#437 Rand Miller
#435 Richard Watson

Aitrus 12/26/03, 11:45 AM EDT
Note: URU was designed from the ground up so that if the funding were provided - it would be a fairly easy port to the mac. While I myself may not be a mac fan, I am a MYST fan, and I'd love to see some of you elitist %$#@ in the game :)

I think that there will be a mac version - keep the word flowing, and I'm sure you will find victory.

Martin Kuhn 2/5/04, 2:07 AM EDT
Good News: Uru for Mac is officially underway!
Bad News: Uru Live has been put to rest.

BTW the survey mentioned in the above article has, sadly, been taken down.

This article is archived, so you may not comment on it.

(The good news is there's always the shoutbox, the forums or the contact form if you're socially-inclined at the moment!)

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