With a name like "2 Guys, a Mac, and a Web site", it's probably not hard to imagine that people surfing the Web looking for other things would somehow end up here. Well, we have a neat open-source Web analyzer-thingybob installed and it lets us peek at who typed what into into a search engine and ended up here. It can be pretty interesting and funny at times and we thought we'd share some with you.
So without further ado, here are some example searches of how people find the 2 Guys site:
what do guys like to get for birthday
picture of 2 guys fighting
guys feet wanted
make a website cooler (yeah buddy)
links to dudeman news
molly hatchet december 2003
a website for guys
lease a mac (which incidentally we're #1 on the non-paying results on this at Hotbot.com - having a '2' as the first character of your title have some advantages!)
2004 macworld expo sucked
riding on sharks (what the hell?)
guys kilts
And of course there are many others like "2 guys mac site" from people who can't remember the URL. ;)
(And for those people, there's always "amacsite.com"!)
January 23 2004, 9:01 AM EDT, by
Bill Palmer
1/23/04, 9:19 AM EDT
Heh, reminds me of the time someone came to my site via a search for "Chek cola"...
Baby anus
1/23/04, 4:34 PM EDT
I'm sure there were other results that turned up that you just couldn't post.
1/23/04, 5:35 PM EDT
like when someone posts under a vulgar sounding name, like say... hmm I dont know... Baby Anus, and then someone in google types in "how to cook baby anuses" and bingo, a link to our site.
1/23/04, 7:03 PM EDT
That's disgusting.
1/23/04, 10:31 PM EDT
While researching a piece on sewage processing, I typed in the following words:
human waste
Mr Ploppy
I kept being directed to the Microsoft Windows webpage ...
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(The good news is there's always the shoutbox, the forums or the contact form if you're socially-inclined at the moment!)
Fear can sometimes be a useful emotion. For instance, let's say you're an astronaught on the moon and you fear that your partner has been turned into Dracula. The next time he goes out for the moon pieces, wham!, you just slam the door behind him and blast off. He might call you on the radio and say he's not Dracula, but you just say, "Think again, bat man."