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June 16th - Hey, happy pantsday.
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 Classic 2 Guys
10 Random Stories:
Viva La Resistance! Or Something...
Whip out your credit card, that email is going to cost you!
Steve Jobs, King of the Unix
Apple Selling iPod minis in Taiwanese 7-11's
Quick and easy way to automount servers on log in.
Rumored Feature of Panther, and How Cool It Could Be
New LCD's Down the Road?
Wading the World Wide Web
End-of-week News Wrapup. With Cheese.
Music to Your Ears? No - Music to OUR ears!

awwww we miss you guys too!!! - Jonahan
I come by here every now and then and say, "yeah, I remember that site.... - speedyrev
yum hot guys - core
You guys are the pants! - PHP WannaBe

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 Deep Thoughts
If I had the time to sit down and write a thank-you note to everyone who sent me a nice, expensive present, what a wonderful world that would be!

 Around Da Web
iPhone steals show at CTIA Wireless 2007
DLO offers dual cover fashion case for iPod
AT&T received 1M inquiries on iPhone
Ars Technica in-depth review: Apple TV ?impressed all those who touched it?
Inside Apple?s Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Server OS
The chips inside Apple TV
Think Secret:
Adobe Creative Suite 3 pricing revealed
 Olde Stuff
2 Guys Podcast Feed
Greatest American Hero
Scary Ballmer
Space Game
 We Like:
 • 2 Guys
 • Apple.com

 Side Projects
  • Midnet Media
  • Jonahan.com
  • iProng
  • MacIdiot
  • Jedbeck.com
  • Baby Ashley Project