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 Whip out your credit card, that email is going to cost you!
Bill Gates has finally taken the full dictatorship of the computer industry. Bill Gates (who is the richest man in the world) is now pushing for a payable stamp that you would have to buy with each email. That’s right my fellow Internet users, that email to Grandma may cost you. Bill Gates thinks that charging for email will cut out spammers and viruses that are sent thru the email.

Instead of Microsoft spending it’s own money to fix the security problems that are plaguing it's operating system they would rather charge Internet users to send email. One of the problems of this idea is that some viruses will turn your system into a spamming machine. Now think about someone that is in their 70’s and is on Social Security and would receive a bill for $50.00 because Microsoft Windows had a security flaw that allowed someone to use his/her machine as a spambot. Let’s take a look at a small business that is struggling in the American economy - I’m sure they would appreciate spending an extra $50.00 for something that had been free and became the backbone of their business.

Let's face it, this is all-out greed and something needs to stop. I would like each and everyone (while you can) to email you Senator and your Representative and ask them to put a ban to the possibility of charging for email.

March 10 2004, 9:02 AM EDT, by

okcalla 3/10/04, 9:45 AM EDT
seems to me email piracy will be the only answer.
much like mp3 only good luck suing me for copy right infringement.

Giaguara 3/10/04, 9:54 AM EDT
it will only make bill gates even richer.

HTML Samurai 3/10/04, 11:04 AM EDT
Although, it would keep my Mom and Sister from spamming me with e-cards - Oy!

David Duncan 3/10/04, 1:47 PM EDT
ahhh yeah. My dad has recently been sending me pictures of cars (corvettes and escalades, which I know he hates) trying to be "cool". I had to block the man from my inbox until he stops.

okcalla 3/10/04, 6:51 PM EDT
i wonder how he would prove theft?

sweetjimmyhugs 3/10/04, 8:57 PM EDT
This is about as likely to happen as Microsoft patenting ones and zeros... wait, they'll probably try to do that next.

rlhamon 3/11/04, 4:08 PM EDT
I love when the onion breaks a major story. The Best News Source in America.

asdf 3/11/04, 8:46 PM EDT
what the hell is steve jobs gonna do about spam. Or do apples computers not only crash less than xp, but get less spam than xp users too.

Jonahan 3/12/04, 1:18 PM EDT
asdf, give us a break, you have not a clue.
What does Steve Jobs have to do with ANYTHING in this article or comments?

It's not like we sit around wondering how Steve Jobs is going to help us with every problem in that plagues humanity.

Actually, come to think of it, "apples computers" as you so non-punctuationally put it, DO in fact get less spam. Mail has a built-in junk mail filter that you actually train to get more efficient.

So yeah.

rlhamon 3/12/04, 3:50 PM EDT
asdf what do you have to say now... humm nothing! Mac's rule Windows Pc's well they suck.

okcalla 3/13/04, 10:14 PM EDT
personally i feel spam is the fault of pos companies like hotmail. which i beleieve is own by geee good ole bill. i think isp's should step up and block this shi..crap from happening.

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