2 Guys, a Mac, and a Website - The Evolution of the Web - A Mac Is More Than Just a Computer (Or, Why Are Apple Fans So Zealous?)
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 A Mac Is More Than Just a Computer (Or, Why Are Apple Fans So Zealous?)
Many people see a computer for what it is: a tool for accomplishing certain goals. Be it printing, communicating, music production, video editing, playing games, or what have you, a computer is nothing more than a machine that calculates billions of ones and zeroes. Then why are Mac users so passionate about their computer of choice?

Now, this is a topic that has been hashed and rehashed, dropped on the ground, kicked into Lake Erie, eaten by a Muskellunge who was subsequently caught by an angler, cooked and eaten, with the end result being that the topic itself is very pissed about the whole deal. So I hope to treat the topic very carefully and perhaps shed some new insight and perhaps provide a chuckle or three.

Now it's well-known that many Mac users are huge fans of Apple. If this weren't the case you wouldn't be here nor would I be writing this article. 2 Guys, a Mac and a Website wouldn't even exist (perish the thought).

Plus, it's absolutely ludicrous how many Apple-related sites there are, covering just about every imaginable topic. Many do it for sheer love of Apple, it's products, and what you can do with them. (I'll take this opportunity to say that we don't have any advertising whatsoever on this site. Not that we would turn down any offers, mind you. And if you'd like to be a sponsor, we get at least 50 hits a day, no lie!)

You just don't see fan sites for Microsoft. I did manage to find one, but it appears that it's not too successful. No offense to the sites owners, but it looks a bit er...let's say yellow...and it's only had 10 people sign the guestbook. Not exactly a hotbed of enthusiasm. Microsoft detractors on the other hand seem to pop-up more than a horny Irishman. Just do a Google search for "microsoft" and "satan". (Ok, I saved you some typing - here's a link). You have a whole afternoon of mirth and hiliarity ahead of you if you want to check out all those sites!

Unix/Linux "fan" sites don't really exist either, but this isn't because the product sucks. Some might say it's because the Linux-heads are too busy configuring something or recompiling their kernel, but not me. I actually think it's just that they're too busy actually doing stuff and/or they just don't care. Plus, no offense guys, but really when was the last big update or new feature for Linux? Yes Redhat provides some nice updates once in a while, but it's nothing groundbreaking or all that exciting. Compare that to Apple's Mac OS X and where it's at after just a few years - it's amazing to contemplate where it'll be at in another few years!

Speaking of excitement and breaking ground, I think these are two of the reasons that Mac-folk are as zealous as they are. There's always something new to look forward to from Apple, as Apple is always pushing the envelope and integrating the newest and coolest technology into their products. Look at all the rumor sites that are in existence merely to report on what Apple might do. I can think of at least 7 such sites off-hand. Has anyone heard of a Microsoft rumor site? (Seriously though?). People are already geeked up for Apple's World-Wide Developer's conference which starts on June 23rd, and speculation as to what Apple may debut has been flying hot and heavy for weeks (watch your head).

It's no secret that Mac users actually care about their computers. It may be "just a machine" at first, but after a while it becomes something much more. Macs are so friendly inside and out that human-like qualities are bestowed upon them. It's become such a tradition in the Mac community that the first thing to do upon buying a new Mac is to name it (I'm typing on Saruman the White right now).

Apple fosters this by making their computers so attractive (some might say cute, at least about the design of the CRT iMacs). I'm sure you've seen the commercial that introduced the Flat-Panel iMac, right? A guy stops at a stores display window where an iMac sits. He moves his head this way and that, and the iMac copies him. He sticks out his tongue and the iMac opens up it's CD-ROM tray.

While we know Apple makes some cool stuff, the other side of the fence isn't so lucky. The Wintel industry has finally begun making cases other than the dreaded "biege box", but they're still not very creative or elegant and they're NOWHERE NEAR anything that has an Apple logo on it.

People have talked about the similarities between Volkswagon and Apple. Both companies make machines that are marvels of engineering. Both companies look at every single aspect of their products, and how they interact with each other. They like to keep things simple to a certain extent, but also very elegant. iKen brings up a good point in a recent article in which he talks about dissecting his iBook:

"Every piece in the thing had 2 other functions in holding the thing together. Every screw I took out I could see it getting more and more flimsy. The people that design those things are definitely geniuses".

No one else in the computer industry takes the time and effort to do what Apple does.

Most of your average Windows or Linux users don't know about this, however. As a matter of fact, many take little to no enjoyment whatsoever from using their computer, and just see it as a necessary evil to get their job done. While working in Tech Support I'd heard hundreds of people talk about their computer and how it was acting up. "This thing has a mind of it's own!", they would say, or "I hate computers". Of course, these were always the Windows users. Mac users were a completely different story; once I let them know I was a "Mac guy" by asking what color their iMac was, they would effusively tell me all about their beloved Mac, how many they've owned, how they take it to bed and make sweet lovin' to it...er...no wait....that was me. <embarrased> ;)

Getting back to the main point here, many non-Mac people can't understand why Mac users get so jacked up when Apple releases a new product. I remember standing in line at my local Apple Store the night OS X 10.2 Jaguar was being released, and the incredulous looks on people's faces. "What in the hell are all these people standing in line for at 10:00 at night?" the faces said. At a few different Apple Store openings, people would ask those in line what they were waiting for. "Why, the Apple Store!" was the response, as if that explained everything. People would walk away with perplexed looks on their faces. I could almost hear them thinking: "Hundreds of people are waiting in line for...a computer store?" This is what I'm talking about - some people just don't get it and perhaps never will.

So what do you think? If you own/use a Mac, are you a passionate fan of Apple or do you just use your Mac to get by and do whatever needs to be done? Also, if you use Linux or Windows, we would love to hear your thoughts on this subject! Let your voice be heard!

June 12 2003, 4:40 PM EDT, by

Michael 6/12/03, 5:24 PM EDT
I've used Apple computers for 20 years and just recently bought the 17" flat screen iMac, which I think must be the greatest personal computer yet made. I found switching to OS X to be easy. I love Jaguar and everything my Mac can do. It's elegant and seductive. If I didn't have a wife and a life, my iMac could keep me so distracted and amused I wouldn't notice.

cadbury 6/12/03, 5:44 PM EDT
Great article. I've used Mac since 1995 and never looked back since. I love all of my 4 macs.

Pat 6/12/03, 6:19 PM EDT
I've "switched" to Macs a little early... when I was an undergrad back in 1988. Since then I've never been without one (and I did dabble quite a bit on various iterations of Windoze). I now run a biomedical research lab, and I must confess that I love each one the roughly 10 Macs I have in the lab (and especially my Cube at home). Macs are simply outstanding machines.

Ruben Schouten 6/12/03, 7:09 PM EDT
Great article! I am a "switcher". Using Micro$oft operating systems from DOS 2.0 and on, I got more and more annoyed by it. While all my friends were "upgrading" (getting themselves in even more trouble) to Windows XP, I had already been spending months swithing to Linux, switching back, switching to Linux again, switching back...

Just couldn't find any satisfying computer setup... Then I came across a local store that was selling iMacs. Seen them before and looking at then EVERY time I passed the store again. That particular day I noticed the beautifull iMac running something different than I was used to see. Asking the reseller what it was, he told me it was OS X, a UNIX based OS from Apple. UNIX based, hmmm... UNIX, the "mother" of Linux... this MUST be good! (At least it was LOOKING good!)

Anyhow, after clicking around a little for about 10 minutes, I took my creditcard, took the iMac with me and never looked at another Wintendo machine again! :-D

stickman67 6/12/03, 9:46 PM EDT
I bought my first Mac Plus, with ImageWriter II and external 20 MB hard drive, for $5500 in the summer of 1989-90 (I live in Australia, if the season thing confuses you). I could have bought a car instead. That little Mac (still in a box in my shed, though the HD has long since died) got me my first real job and my career, but more than that, it showed me what a computer could really do.

By the time Windows came along (we were still using DOS at my college in those days), System 6 and I had gone far beyond what it could ever hope to do. Somehow, Mac has always seemed simpler yet more powerful. When I buy hardware that works on both platforms, the Windows set-up instructions typically run to pages and pages. The Mac set-up might run to a single page -- and most of that is about opening the box without cutting yourself! It's very telling.

Macintosh isn't a computer, it's a lifestyle.

Mike 6/12/03, 9:54 PM EDT
I had to check out the referenced Microsoft Fan site. I think the following quote pretty much sums up why we don't see too many MS Fan Sites: "There for I sincerely think that Microsoft is a good company and even with its so called monopoly the company has done more good than bad."

That's right, an MS fan proudly proclaims proclaims the company "...has done more good than bad."

Apple aspires to, its products achieve, and fortunately for us, we users enjoy much better.

Sport73 6/12/03, 11:00 PM EDT
I'm turning 30 this year. I grew up around computers (the first of which was my Dad's DEC terminal - not a PC! - that we dialed in using a 2600baud modem for some intense text-based mainframe computing!); I wrote programs in BASIC on an AppleII in the 4th grade...

But I grew up; I went to college and then got a job (which included a heavy amount of technical work) and spent most of my time with Windows PC's. For a while (a long while, actually) it was fun working with such a mess of an operating system just because I took pleasure in overcoming/fixing its many flaws.

I got Windows XP, and I thought...Cool, Microsoft is making a pretty cool system now...After a few weeks, however, the halucinagin wore off and I realized that WinXP, while a big improvement over past Windows OS', was riddled with the same frustrating shortcomings as its predecessors.

Why didn't I switch to a Mac? Simple...Though this may not be a popular opinion...I believe Microsoft had passed them by. OS9.2 Seemed to be the same OS I used as a kid, and years later it didn't seem as pretty nor as elegant.

Then came OSX...I played around with it at a Mac store and thought...Wow, that's sexy, but I'll stick with my more versatile PC.

Then I got an old PowerBook G3 from the office (required to test Mac support for our products) and it had been loaded with OSX (10.1.5). A few days into using it, I was ready to wake friends, neighbors and relatives to share the profound discovery I had made...

OSX is a work of beauty, brawn, and brains...and as I sit here typing this on my Windows 2000 laptop with a 2Ghz processor, 512MB of RAM, and hearty HD, I find myself LONGING to hold my 400Mhz Powerbook G3.

I have seen the light. I have been converted. I have returned to find the splendor of my youth, and I feel reborn. My new god is Steve Jobs and my new church is the Mac (iMac or PowerMac) I'll be buying next week.

Jared White 6/13/03, 4:19 AM EDT
Used to use PCs. Liked 'em. Became Switcher. Now use Macs. Love 'em. PCs: hate 'em. 'Nuff said.

Jared :)

dantheman 6/13/03, 8:15 AM EDT
There is something that happens to my mind from knowing Macs are great, yet being in the minority as far as the general public goes. I believe that many people would be happy with a Mac IF THEY ONLY KNEW! This creates alternating states of frustration and excitement that result in my Mac zealotry, more or less. In fact, if everybody in the world started using Macs, my zeal would probably peter out. It wouldn't be that interesting anymore.

A Cube user 6/13/03, 9:11 AM EDT
Macs are a way of life. I love my G4 Cube!!!

DaveR 6/13/03, 9:55 AM EDT
Ok, I have used more operating systems running on more computer architectures than is probably good for me. Lately it has been unix. And then one day I walked into an Apple store and said, "let me get this straight, this thing is running unix on a risc box and you can actually run real applications on it also?" I walked out with a G4 power mac and it is one great machine! My friends have learned that I should not be allowed to talk about my mac as the monologs tend to be rather long. And of course I will be heading to the Apple store as soon as the 970's are available. :-)

Nemesis 6/13/03, 9:59 AM EDT
The 17" iMac is my first Mac and what a way to start. It's a piece of art, I love it.

I still have a PC for my collection of games, most of which are finished now. At that point I can retire it. Come on Macplay, hurry up with Neverwinter Nights!

rlhamon 6/13/03, 2:15 PM EDT
Mac's are better built system. When you own one you feel like you own a 100000.00 car. I build PC's support them all day long. I very seldom get a call about problems with a mac. Simply Apple build's the best computer products on earth.

Zack 6/15/03, 9:36 PM EDT
Ha! From 'Microsoft Fans!' website:

All the Microsoft Fans. This is the site devoted to exclusively to Microsoft fans like you and me. You will find here comments, links and opinions about Microsoft and Bill Gates( Worlds greatest business man). 'Microsoft Fans' is one of the most comprehensive fan site of all the sites about Microsoft and Bill Gates in the Internet. This site is the numero uno site for Bill Gates Fans according to me. Hey guys come on and watch this site and please-please comment on the site. If you have anything on Microsoft or Bill Gates then send it to me. I will publish it on my site - 'Microsoft Fans'. I may even publish your comments on Microsoft or Bill Gates, so come and join this Microsoft Fan Club and be a Microsoft Fan!!!

Emphasis and redundancy added by the 'Microsoft Fans!' webmaster.

HTML Samurai 6/16/03, 9:33 AM EDT
I have many different opinions on computers, their use, their looks, the way they run, the errors they get (even macs) and the people that use them.

Windows, in my line of work is a necessary evil -- and I hate that. It's buggy, ugly, and everybody hates it. And I have been using MS products for about as long as I can remember - DOS 3.0 was my first OS.

Linux is a very stable OS IF you take the time to learn to use it and modify it to run the way you want it to. (And the reason why there are no "Linux Fan Sites" is because they ARE all configuring something, and writing a howto page to give back to the community!) I am still struggling with a few aspects of Linux because I have not taking the time to learn everything that I need to know about it. Not everything works the same for everyone, and software is harder to configure for your machine, but that is because it is so customizable. And did I mention the cost? FREE!

OS X seems to be the best thing that has happened to Apple since the mouse. In my opinion, the older OSes SUCKED! But I did love the stableness of the hardware and had to respect Apple for it. I feel that OS X feels a little proprietary and stiff once you break though the prettiness of it. But the hardware keeps getting better and better.

Total geek recommendation: Apple hardware (if expandable - not iMac), Linux OS.

Jonahan 6/16/03, 9:54 AM EDT
Oh man...of all the people to bring us down it had to be one of our own ;) That's part of the reason we like having you around tho Samurai, you provide a differing opinion.

However, I take umbrage with one thing you said...you mentioned that the "older [macintosh] OSes SUCKED". This hurts. And every single OS out there owes the Mac OS for the way it looks. Not even Gnome or KDE would be around in their present state if not for the "Classic" Mac OSes. Yes, Apple's development in the mid-90's dropped a little and Microsoft started to catch up (some might say they surpassed it, but that's an argument that no one will win) but the Mac OS was truly revolutionary. And, I think OS X is again revolutionary and the Linuxes and MS will NEVER catch up.

Also, I still don't think you "get it". With the time saved from installing, configuring, twiddling around with your Linuxey OS, you will NEVER match an OS X user as far as productivity goes. Sure, you can tweak out your Redhat install a little more than you can OS X, but then again, there's so much you can do to customize OS X if you want to. And, I might add, there's tons of stuff you can do with OS X that you can't do with Linux, such as putting your screensaver on your desktop or running AppleScripts via the terminal. There's nothing like seting up a cron job that calls a shell script that in turn calls an AppleScript. Way powerful and something Linux can't match.

Like I said, I still don't think you 'get it', but mayhaps someday you will. It's all good though, and I gots nuthin but love for ya homey :)

Zoe 6/17/03, 7:05 AM EDT
Do you find yourself screaming "Mac, Mac" when you see one on tv or in a film at the cinema? me too!

Zoe, Stourbridge, England, UK

Jonahan 6/17/03, 11:00 AM EDT
Hehe...yeah, I do that and my woman punches me in the kidney and tells me to be quiet....but she'll point them out too and isn't quite so loud while doing it ;)

Adam 6/18/03, 7:41 AM EDT
Its all in the branding. The apple marketing people are geniuses.'Think different' is one of the most significant slogans of all time, up there with 'just do it' 'finger-lickin good' etc. Micro$oft doesnt even have a proper logo, and 'where do u want to go to day is just cumbersome.

iKen 6/19/03, 7:12 PM EDT
hell of a good article jonahan! I started using macs with my LC II in 1991. Before that it was a comodore 64. I didn't use my first windows machine until College, way back in 1997, and man, did I hate them... Then I started working tech support in 1999, and that is when I found out windows is more evil than satan himself. :) I started messing around with Linux in 2000 after I started WCOIL, and when I learned how much work whent in to running linux I was confused, because it is so easy to run a Mac. I was happier than a pig in poo when I got my hands on OS X. Best OS I have ever used! That's why I put so much time in to this site. :)

Chad 7/2/03, 12:23 AM EDT
Hey great article, I have to say I do agree with more than half of the comments posted and the entire article. I too scream out in crowded theaters "Look he's using my laptop! That’s my baby! 15-in' Powerbook! Yea!" and on TV as well where I receive laughs from all my PC XP-lease user friends; but my Mac friends have my back and usually help do the spotting.

I just recently switched to Mac about 5 months ago upon purchasing my Powerbook. Don't be misled though I was always a Mac user at heart; since 3rd grade playing "Oregon Trail" in the computer lab at my elementary school. Though I used PC's for all of my computer needs I often found myself skinning my Window$ XP to look more like that oh so beautiful OS X interface.

The straw that broke the camels back though was when my close friend purchased an iBook. Oh sure I gave him hell.... actually I believe I made fun of him for a consistent non-stop 3 or 4 days. Then I actually picked up his iBook and opened it... that was it I was hooked. I just looked at my PC in shame and with disgust. Soon after I purchased "Biggens" that’s my Powerbook name. Although I still have my PC it’s only for gaming purposes now, other than that it doesn't get touched.

I'm not sure what it is about the PC community that makes them so scared that they feel they must make fun of Apple and its users. I helped in this "Hazing" and now I find myself on the other end defending my Mac almost leading to fist fights. Funny how tables turn once "you see the light".

P.S. this is a little saying I use in every Mac vs. PC debate that I encounter… and going to an art school where users for both platforms are very abundant this always wins

“if you want to kinda get stuff done but mostly waste time use a PC if you want to sit down be truly productive and have a computer work with you rather than against you get a Mac”

A now devoted user;

Johnny66ch 7/16/03, 5:01 AM EDT
My wife named my 17"imac "Mrs. Mac". A not so subtle hint on my spending 'too much time' with the Mac instead of her. This is a serious adverse effect of having a Mac, but which never gets much attention on fan sites!

kabbo 5/21/04, 6:47 AM EDT
Oh my god. Osama Bin Laden it`s less fannatic.

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