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 Apple Snubs French Tax On Mp3 Players
According to MacMinute (who uses a French site, Macgeneration, as it's source), Apple is being it's good old rebellious self and is refusing to pay a French mp3 tax.

Apparently France is like Canada in it's taxation of mp3 players and charges €10 (that's Euros) or €15 for players above 15GB. France is unlike Canada in many ways, most notably the hairy women.

Mac users worldwide are excited about the turn of events, seemingly indicating that Apple is getting back to it's upstart, anti-establishment, middle finger raised attitude that existed back when the two Steve's started the company. (Oh wow, 2 guys started Apple ... 2 Guys a Mac and a Web site ... coincidence? Yes. Actually there was a little-known third guy anyway.)

When reached for comment on the issue, Apple stated: "What? You idiots again? You're freakin' nuts, quit calling here!". But our unrelenting persistence to know the truth was, well ... unrelenting, so we didn't relent. We called someone in a totally different department who had never heard of us, and after asking if Apple was back to the days of $666.66 Macs and flying the Jolly Roger, we were astounded to hear utter silence for at least 10 seconds and then some type of weird tone emanating from the phone, very similar to the one you hear when the phone is ready for you to dial.

Certain that it was some type of technical glitch at Apple HQ (what, do they use a Windows-based phone system or something? Sheesh.) we called Apple CFO Fred Anderson's secretary. And yes, it was really Fred Anderson's secretary - do you honestly think we could actually make this stuff up!?

We asked if Fred was enjoying his malcontence, and doing things like getting tatoos and a punk haircut, and if Apple was bringing back the rainbow logo, despite it's sexual connotations. Our inane babbling was reaching a crescendo when Sally (Fred's aforementioned Administrative Assistant, as she so kindly corrected us) totally derailed our train of thought by actually saying something to us. Struck dumb (or, well, dumb-er if that's possible) we heard Sally mention something about Fred "forgetting to pay some bills", and something about him playing an awful lot of golf lately due to his upcoming retirement. She then hurriedly said she had to call him at home to get this thing with "pants" taken care of. Or maybe it was ants, or something that rhymed with dance.

Anyway there you have it, our unending dedication to quality journalism pays off yet again! Apple is striking a blow for justice by dropping it's trousers and mooning France (figuratively of course, I don't know how else that would work). Or Fred just forgot to pay some bills. You decide...

And make it quick, we've got some bills to pay today too.

March 9 2004, 1:31 PM EDT, by

Wrigleyvillain 3/9/04, 6:43 PM EDT
Nice! Stick it to the Socialist frogs! :P

Really, it's refreshing to see a large multinational Corp. behave this way, even if it's Apple. History, the only real alternative in Redmond, and their Insanely Great products aside, that's what they are.

okcalla 3/9/04, 9:59 PM EDT
all aac encoded mp3's should include anti french subliminal messages. that way when the french leaders condemn ipods and buy 3 for their personal use they end up overthrowing their own wannabe gov't

rlhamon 3/9/04, 10:13 PM EDT
Apple should tell France to F*ck themselves. If France try's to get tough ... (ha ha ha i kill myself France getting tough) Apple should tell France then well invade your country with out iPods and bludgeon everyone who stands in our way! France will surrender before lunch time.

Wrigleyvillain 3/10/04, 10:57 AM EDT
French rifles for sale on eBay!

Never fired. Dropped once.

jonathan 3/10/04, 3:26 PM EDT
Goto google... Type in french military victories, and hit I'm feeling lucky..

HTML Samurai 3/10/04, 3:40 PM EDT
That is awesome!

rlhamon 3/10/04, 10:08 PM EDT
that had to be the funniest thing that I have ever seen using google.

Jonahan 3/11/04, 9:26 AM EDT
Cool! Even cooler ... type in "2 guys" and hit I'm feeling lucky....


meneldor 3/13/04, 4:49 PM EDT
Hi a few words to explain (soory for my english) :
First, right now there is a conservative government in France (not socialist)
Second, the tax is not on mp3 but on every drive or disk capable from which you can directly listen to music and goes to the musicians who lose money because of illegal copy.
Finally, hum still looking for weapons of mass destrucion ? go for a look around the white house.

I never found any posts so agressive against USA on french website. Maybe when truth is with you...

MacSmiley 3/14/04, 5:47 PM EDT
Have any of you who speak a lick of French even looked at MacGeneration's website? And if you don't speak the language, I heard Google has some kind of translation service.

Please separate French politics from the French people, especially those French people, our brethren, who own Macs and iPods.

They're a whole lot more hopping mad about this situtation than you'll ever be.

Come on, guys.. Give'em a break.

Jonahan 3/17/04, 8:36 AM EDT
Yeah, old sterotypes die hard, but I think most of the people were joking. After re-reading the comments some of them were harsh. We'll make sure we come off as being nicer in the future.

As for you, France - come on baby, you know we didn't mean it. Don't be like that, you know I love ya. Yeah you like it when I do that, huh? Oh yeah... you're a lover not a fighter, and that's ok ... let's get a room.

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