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 OS security, Windows vs Apple, as explained by buildings
Imagine walking in New York City and seeing two large buildings facing each other from across the street. One of these buildings is the largest office building in the world coming in at 400 stories high. Its is a behemoth covering huge portions of the city, drawing unheard of amounts of power and water, and it is staffed with several hundred thousand people on any given day.

Across the street is a more modest 70 story building. It has a futuristic look to it and shines quite brightly in the morning sun. As you stand there on the sidewalk admiring these two buildings you hear a tour guide explaining to a group of tourist some of the amazing features of the 400 story monster.

"Its a marvel of engineering. It has its own power generators, bank, football field, air strip, mall, subway, monorail system, solar generators and earth quake shock absorbers. It has been visited by heads of state from around the world and is considered to be the best building ever made."

Intrigued, you wander closer and listen to a little more of her clearly memorized speech. As she winds her way through her narrative of how the windows are washed by a team of trained acrobats your attention is drawn away from her to a scruffy individual who is busy stealing one of the very glass window panes that she is referring to. Momentarily stunned that anyone could be so brazen you hastily interrupt her and point to the man stealing the window.

"Excuse me miss! Do you see that man over there? Look! He is stealing. . ."

"I am sorry sir you will have to wait till the end of the tour to ask questions." she responded briskly.

"No, look, that guy over there is stealing a window."

"I know."

"No he is . . . what? You know? What do you mean you know? Shouldn't we call the police? Or something?"

"No, it's under control."

By now you start to lose it. You begin to shout "How can you say its under control? He is STEALING part of the building in broad day light IN FRONT OF US! And you are going to just stand there?

To that she calmly replies "We factor such things into our security budget sir. Shortly a maintenance worker will be out to fix the window. Now would you please calm down so that I may finish the tour?"

Stunned, you sit on a bench and watch the guy put the window in his truck. At that moment, sure enough, a worker comes out with another new glass window and begins installing it. Without missing a beat the thief comes back, pulls out a gun and robs the maintenance worker.

Freaking out, you jump up and start yelling louder than before at the tour guide "He just robbed the guy you sent out with the window. Him, that crook from before. He just fucking robbed your repair man. Are you getting me? He stole a window and then robbed the guy who was sent out to replace the window. Aren't you going to do something?"

At this the tour guide politely asks you to leave explaining that if you don't she will be forced to call the police on you.

As you stand there, in awe of the rampant stupidity that seems to emanate from these clods of dirt you notice a security guard walk out the door towards the thief. Finally, you think, he is going to arrest him. Someone must have seen him and now he is going to jail. The guard walks up to the thief and without so much as a blink continues past him. The thief stole his wallet. He looks at you and winks.

That's it, the last straw, you have lost it. Your peaceful demeanor is gone, your headache is back and if you had an assault rifle today then you would be facing murder charges tomorrow. And the thing that makes you completely insane is that you seem to be the only one concerned about the whole thing.

Not caring where you end up, you dash across the street into the first door you come to hoping that the people here haven't escaped from a mental ward too. Sure enough its the futuristic building you glanced at when you first arrived. Behind the main desk sits a very attractive receptionist who asks you in a soothing voice why you look so stressed. You begin to tell her about the guy who just stole the window.

"And then he loaded it into his truck. Then the repair guy came out and . . ."

"He robbed him too." She quietly muses.


"He robbed him too didn't he?" She repeats.

Stunned you reply "Yeah, how did you know that?"

"And did he rob the security guard?"

"Yes! How did . . ."

"Did the rape the tour guide before stealing the parking meters?" She asks with a bored expression.

"Uh no. I don't think so. Why?" Now you are beginning to get really creeped out.

"Oh, it's what they normally do, that's all."

"How many times has this happened?"

"About once every 30 min."


"Everyday, year round. They don't even stop for Christmas."

She might as well have been speaking French. "Everyday. Year round.", you say. "They rob that building of glass twice an hour, every hour, every day, year round." If a talking squirrel popped out of her cleavage and asked for a light you would have found that slightly more sane than your preceding sentence.

"No, that would be stupid."

A light pierces the darkness of the clouds. Good - it was just a misunderstanding.

And then, in a perfectly normal tone of voice she precedes to seriously fuck up your view of the situation. "They normally steal potted plants, office furniture, computers, the marble in the foyer, interns, pretty much anything that is not nailed down, surrounded by barbed wire and protected by a division of light infantry."

Looks like that light in the clouds was just the tail lights of the 757 that is about to kill you. You briefly see the nondescript terrorist (who is of unknown ethnicity and gender) in the pilot's seat flick you off before Boeing's latest invention pulverizes you.

Snapping out of that particularly disturbing day dream, you try and wrap your mind around this new information.

Tentatively. "So, they steal everything?"

Perky. "Yep."

"All the time?"


"And this has been going on for . . . ?"

"About four years."

"I see. Don't the people who shop and work in that building get robbed too?"


"I see." You really didn't see but felt that that was perhaps a better answer than asking her for half a pound of vicodin   to calm your nerves. It now dawns on you that the building across the street has got to be the most fucked up place on the planet. Almost dreading the answer but knowing you must ask. . .

"And, how many break-ins does this building have per day?"

A very cheerful smile appears as she says "None."

"None? How many have you had this year?"

That smile is back. "None."

"Ok, so, how many total since you have been in business?"

Now the smile is hear to stay. "None. We have never had any burglaries, break-ins, vandalism or other such problems."

The world has begun to make sense again. You decide you like this feeling. In fact, you like this building as well. And the receptionist, you like her a lot. Smiling, you begin to relax and walk around the lobby thinking to yourself that you are going to have to start doing more of your business here.

April 1 2005, 8:17 AM EDT, by

madscientistuk 4/1/05, 8:33 AM EDT
Great and interesting analogy!

DJLC 4/1/05, 10:29 AM EDT
Mmmm.... Apple receptionist....


Jack 4/1/05, 12:08 PM EDT
Apples are edible. Windows are not. Simple as tat.

Jon 4/1/05, 1:32 PM EDT
Receptionists...mmm. Missing that since now I work from home. Maybe the wife will let me get my own receptionist.... hmm.

bocha 4/1/05, 3:00 PM EDT
Not to mention when suddenly the Special Police intervention team #2 (also known as SP2) impose itself suddenly and so lock down everything that nobody can get in or out unless they already are.

That receptionist still looks good through the glass though....

Littleman09z 4/1/05, 6:21 PM EDT
You said [edited]naughty word[/edited] alot, good story, reall does show windows to the mac

Layer Cake 4/1/05, 8:38 PM EDT
So what's new?

4/2/05, 12:14 PM EDT
I enjoyed reading your article, jstoup, except for the derogatory comment you made about the Arab hijacking the 757. You couldn't even grace the word "Arab" with capitalization. I believe people of different races have hijacked airplanes throughout recent history. Why imply that only Arabs hijack planes? You're just increasing the hate in this world when we're in need of more understanding and compassion between all peoples of Earth. We all inhabit the same planet, and we're all humans. I wouldn't say that I'm offended, I've come to stop expecting much open-mindedness from people, but I just thought it necessary to shed some light on the situation, as most Arabs wouldn't condone such a "senseless act of terror." Plus, you might want to look further into who was actually behind the evens of September 11th, as I think your comment was fueled by those events and the negative feelings that you hold for them. Thank you. :)

jstoup 4/2/05, 3:21 PM EDT
Ahmed my friend, I have a couple things to say to you.

1. "You couldn't even grace the word "Arab" with capitalization."

My apologies, I don't generally capitalize things like white, black, hispanic, asian or arab, but next time something like that comes up, for you, I will.

2. "I believe people of different races have hijacked airplanes throughout recent history."

Yes, they have.

3. "Why imply that only Arabs hijack planes?"

I am not implying in the least that only Arabs (see, look, I capitalized it) hijack planes. I am however most definitely implying that only Arabs hijack planes and then crash them into [doodoo].

4. "You're just increasing the hate in this world when we're in need of more understanding and compassion between all peoples of Earth."

Now, this is just me, but I tend to think that crashing planes into buildings creates more hate than saying "that Arab (see, I did it again) crashed a plane into that building." And everybody knows that the Middle East has been one big hotbed of understanding and compassion.

5. "I wouldn't say that I'm offended, I've come to stop expecting much open-mindedness from people,"

Which people would that be? Americans? As a whole Americans were fairly open-minded towards Arabs and Islam until 9/11. After that, well yes, you are right, we have become slightly more prejudiced against Arabs. Whose fault is that though?

6. "most Arabs wouldn't condone such a "senseless act of terror.""

Which Arabs would that be? Are you referring to the 1.1 million Arabs in the US or the 260 million in the Middle East? Or are you talking about the Arabs which make up Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad and the PLO? Or the Arabs that every few weeks straps explosives to their chest and blow up a bus in Israel? As far as I can tell it would appear that in fact most Arabs do agree with using violence to achieve their goals.

7. "Plus, you might want to look further into who was actually behind the evens of September 11th"

I was under the impression that Arabs were behind 9/11. I could be wrong but weren't those planes hijacked by Arabs? They were not Germans in heavy makeup right? Or is there a conspiracy that I do not know about?

8. Thank you.

You're welcome.

9. Oh, and just for you I changed my description of the pilot! See, thats me trying to remove a little bit of hate from the world!

H to the Izzo 4/2/05, 3:27 PM EDT

DJLC 4/2/05, 7:57 PM EDT
Wow! It's like everything I was going to say - only I didn't want Al Qaeda on my ass!

cAtraXx 4/2/05, 9:59 PM EDT

If i was you, i'd be VERY careful about the question "Whose fault is that though?"

I actually loved your article, but yeah ... don't think too 2 dimensional.

okcalla 4/3/05, 12:36 AM EDT
lets get his email and spam him. lmao!

Ahmed 4/3/05, 6:05 AM EDT
Thank you jstoup for your response =]

I appreciate your consideration and humor =]

I agree, flying a plane into a building definitely does increase the hate, but why blame a whole race for things that only a minority commit? The people you see in the media, Hizbollah for example, are a very small percentage. And you'll find that most of them are concentrated in Palestine/Israel, but there's a reason for that. If you read about the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict you might be surprised, and if you have already, then, well, there's not much to do is there? Ever ask yourself why a man would strap a bomb to his body and blow himself up? Why would someone end their life like that? Surely one would rather make their own life better instead of destroying anothers, unless there was something absolutely wrong with them. I'm not saying that suicide bombers are right, I don't think they're achieving much through blowing themselves up along with innocent people, just breeding more hate. But after all that oppression a person would lose all hope and do anything they could, and yes, the Palestinian people are being oppressed.

Whose fault is it that people resort to violence? I would say it's everyone's fault. Is it the American government's fault for supplying Israel with 4 billion dollars of aid annually? That of which includes weapons. Is it the Palestinians fault for killing innocent people in hope of lifting the oppression? Is it the entire global community's fault for not acting upon the ? Is it the Israeli's fault for blinding the American population with the media about what's really going on in the middle east? Is it the American government's fault for training and supplying weapons to Al Qaeda? Is it the Arabs fault for not trying to bring the wrongdoers back to sanity and rational thought?

It's everyone's fault, you can't blame a single race or religion for what has been happening. Particularly not a religion which has been misused, Islam condemns such acts. You might think that people just say that, but it's true. If someone drove a perfectly fine car like an idiot, let's say a BMW, no one would blame the car, they'd blame the driver.

As for 9/11, I think it very well may have been a conspiracy. You might want to download a video named "In Plane Sight" and give me your input on it. It may have been Arabs who committed the acts, but how would they get away with doing something so easily? Where would they get the funding? If you think about it and how the events actually happened, from getting into the country, training to be pilots, to the actual hijacking of the planes...something just doesn't quite fit.

I would also suggest a documentary by the name of "Peace, Propoganda, and The Promised Land." You might find it on DVD. I'd also recommend a french documentary called "The World According to Bush," all very interesting.

I don't blame Americans for harboring resentment against Arabs after what happened, I know that they are generally open-minded people, but it doesn't make it right.

Thank you for your time.

PS. I supplied my email when I posted the first comment, if anyone would like to spam. Very mature, okcalla.

Ahmed 4/3/05, 6:23 AM EDT
Sorry, editorial error. I meant to say "Is it the entire global community's fault for not acting upon the constant oppression and violation of human rights committed by the Israeli government and it's military?"


matty 4/3/05, 6:30 PM EDT
I agree,
the article is good
but hate is bad

cAtraXx 4/3/05, 8:49 PM EDT
Spam=Ban. At least that's my opinion.

Jeff 4/4/05, 9:39 AM EDT
I'd like to complain about your comment about Germans. It was sensless and cruel to say that Germans might have worn heavy makeup and hijacked planes on 9/11. Such stereotyping just creates more hate. Hate begets hate. You hater.


Jonahan 4/4/05, 11:59 AM EDT
This sort of discussion is the heart and soul of this site. Yes, sometimes the articles touch on things that are borderline offensive or have cuss words, but it's great to have the freedom to say such things. I don't think any of the authors on this site intend to offend, just to make a point or to strike up a discussion. And if we screw up, or are taken the wrong way, we'll usually come forth and either apologize or correct ourselves.

I'm just really glad to see that intellectual disscussion can be had even if people don't always agree. We accept any opinions on this site, except for those that are hateful and/or continually ignorant. (I think we had to ban like 1 person in our 3+ years :-p)

My personal thoughts on 9-11 is that there is MUCH more to 9-11 than most people think, but we may never know. The truth is constantly held back from us.

We just have to continue asking questions, having dignified intellectual debate, and evolving as a human race.

Oh and fishsticks - did I mention you have to eat lots of fishticks to enact world peace?

Okcalla, spamming anyone just ain't cool.

DJLC 4/4/05, 4:07 PM EDT
Whoa, only one person!? I have atleast 10 banned at JM.com. Of course, there were those few little "incidents" - I'm sure most of you knows what I'm talking about. I.e. - Why it was partly my fault the 2guys server went down a long time ago.

cAtraXx 4/4/05, 7:57 PM EDT
This almost makes me feel lucky i don't have a blog ;)

jstoup 4/5/05, 10:33 AM EDT
Ah my friend Ahmed, I have a few things to say to you, again.

1. "I agree, flying a plane into a building definitely does increase the hate, but why blame a whole race for things that only a minority commit?"

I blame them because they support the actions of that minority. I have yet to see an Arab of any importance stand up in the Middle East and denouce the terrorist attacks on America.

2. "The people you see in the media, Hizbollah for example, are a very small percentage."

Is this anything like how the Nazis were only a small percentage of the Germans?

3. "And you'll find that most of them are concentrated in Palestine/Israel, but there's a reason for that."

Yes, there is a reason for that. Many Arabs hate Jews and thats where all the Jews are.

4. "If you read about the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict you might be surprised,"

I am surprised. In fact, I am amazed. Amazed that Israel hasn't burned Cairo and Damascus to the ground. I am amazed that 6 nations waged 4 seperate wars and still managed to get their collective asses kicked by Isral each time. I am amazed that they still think they can win. Yes, its truely amazing.

5. For those of you who don't know lets review the last 50 years or so of Israel's existence.

1948 ~ Israel War of Independence
Israel is formed in on May 14, 1948. Less than 24 hours later the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq attack Israel. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) repulsed the invaders and when the dust settled Israel not only won but was able to keep some of the territories it occupied.

1956 ~ Sinai Campaign
Egypt prevents Israel from using the Suez Canal, attacks their shipping and begins to occupy land controlled by Israel. Then Egypt, Syria and Jordan sign an alliance against Israel. Israel once again beats back its enimies this time gaining the Sinai peninsula and the Gaza Strip.

1967 ~ Six Day War
The Arab nations surrounded Israel begin sending in terrorist, Syria starts bombing Israelie settlements, Egypt moves troops into UN controled areas, forces them out of the way and marches to Israel. Israel attacks Egypt, Syria and Jordan defeating all three and gaining the Golan Heights.

1973 ~ Yom Kippur
On the holiest day of the Jewish year the combined forces of Egypt and Syria launch another surprise attack on Israel. Once again the IDF is able to defeat both armies and in fact comes within 20 miles of the Syrian capital of Damascus. Israel keeps the Golan Heights.

6. "Ever ask yourself why a man would strap a bomb to his body and blow himself up?"

Ever ask yourself why the Heavan's Gate cult killed themselves so they could beam up to the mothership? Same thing just different mothership.

7. "Why would someone end their life like that? Surely one would rather make their own life better instead of destroying anothers, unless there was something absolutely wrong with them."

Is this anything like the Japanese fighter pilots raming Allied ships in WWII? Were all of those pilots morons? Yes, they were. But they also were easily manipulated sheep who were being controlled by others much less willing to sacrifice their own skin.

8. "I'm not saying that suicide bombers are right,"

Good, we are on the same page then.

9. "I don't think they're achieving much through blowing themselves up"

Not a damn thing.

10. "But after all that oppression a person would lose all hope and do anything they could, and yes, the Palestinian people are being oppressed."

That sounds an awful lot like jusitification. And how exactly are the Palestinian people being oppressed? Is Israel running secret death camps that no one knows about?

11. "Whose fault is it that people resort to violence? I would say it's everyone's fault."

Its their own fault. Stand up and take responsibility for your own actions. And please lets stop this crap about blaming the US for every [edited]naughty word[/edited] ing thing that goes wrong.

12. "Is it the American government's fault for supplying Israel with 4 billion dollars of aid annually?"

Damn, too late. Guess what, if we didn't support Israel there would be no Israel. The surrounding Arab nations would have wiped out the Jews a long time ago. Lets not pretend that this is about oppression because Arabic Muslims were oppressed much worse under Saddam Hussein. Why wasn't he attacked? Because he wasn't Jewish.

13. "Is it the Palestinians fault for killing innocent people in hope of lifting the oppression?"

Yeah actually, it is.

14. "Is it the entire global community's fault for not acting upon the constant oppression and violation of human rights committed by the Israeli government and it's military?"

First, why can't the Arabs take care of themselves? Why does the Global Community need to step in and help them wipe their own asses? Can't they figure out how to not kill each other long enough to do something worthwhile?

Second, what is this violation of human rights crap? Since when do these Muslim countries give a damn about human rights? Or is it only a problem when Jews oppress Muslims and not when Muslims oppress Muslims?

15. "Is it the Israeli's fault for blinding the American population with the media about what's really going on in the middle east?"

Ok, I'll bite. What is really going on in the Middle East?

16. "Is it the American government's fault for training and supplying weapons to Al Qaeda?"

There you go blaming the US again.

17. "Is it the Arabs fault for not trying to bring the wrongdoers back to sanity and rational thought?"

Yes it is. My wasn't that easy.

18. "It's everyone's fault, you can't blame a single race or religion for what has been happening."

There you go shirking responsibility again. So, by your arguement is was Israel's fault that they were attack by the surrounding countries in 4 different wars? Its Israel's fault that the Muslims hate them for being Jews. And of course its the US's fault because we are the great satan.

19. "Particularly not a religion which has been misused, Islam condemns such acts."

Really? Which version of Islam are you refering to? Because I was under the impression that Islam had a provision for this kind of thing under the heading of jihad. Correct me if I am wrong but I never remember reading the Bible Jesus saying something like "If a man strikes you, turn the other cheek. But if that don't work out for you kick his ass, take his land and kill his family in my name."

20. "You might think that people just say that, but it's true."

I am sorry but only Muslims still think that Islam is a religon of peace. The rest of the world knows better.

21. "If someone drove a perfectly fine car like an idiot, let's say a BMW, no one would blame the car, they'd blame the driver."

Well, yes that is true. But if BMW put machine guns behind the headlights (read jihad) then yes, we might want to try and hold them accountable.

22. "As for 9/11, I think it very well may have been a conspiracy. You might want to download a video named "In Plane Sight" and give me your input on it. It may have been Arabs who committed the acts, but how would they get away with doing something so easily? Where would they get the funding? If you think about it and how the events actually happened, from getting into the country, training to be pilots, to the actual hijacking of the planes...something just doesn't quite fit.

I would also suggest a documentary by the name of "Peace, Propoganda, and The Promised Land." You might find it on DVD. I'd also recommend a french documentary called "The World According to Bush," all very interesting."

Working on it, didn't have time to put it in this post.

23. "I don't blame Americans for harboring resentment against Arabs after what happened,"

Me neither.

24. "I know that they are generally open-minded people, but it doesn't make it right."

Ok. Now please tell the Arabs that they need to be more open minded and let me know how that works out for you.

cAtraXx 4/5/05, 10:58 AM EDT
Actually it looks to me like all of these comments could be turned around ... and if i look at how many people think that Bush is yet another form of Hitler (or Stalin considering the manpower) ... a comment about Nazis is probably a little misplaced ...

dab2 4/5/05, 5:54 PM EDT
This is sounding less and less like a Mac website and more like a meeting for the politically frustrated!

4/5/05, 6:44 PM EDT
Ahmed – I think jstoup's original comments in his story were thoughtless but innocent. Unfortunately, the more he talks, the more he exposes himself as a F.R.A. (Future Racists of America) member. Please do not let this story ruin this site for you but also realize your comments are just encouraging jstous to reinforce his growing racist thoughts.

jstoup – Nice research on Israel but PLEASE STOP! The more you go on, the worse you sound. You will loose readers if your not careful. Jonathan, Ken and all of the others worked too hard building this site for you to ruin it. Your story was entertaining but a bit far a field for my taste; keep working at it and maybe include more fish sticks and pants in the future.

jstoup 4/5/05, 7:15 PM EDT

Thank you for your comments, as all ways any feedback is appreciated.

There are just two things I don't understand and maybe you could help clarify for me. First, why do you think my comments were racist? And second, if you truely believe me to be racist why can't I be one now instead of in the future?

4/5/05, 7:59 PM EDT
I think that you are showing tendencies at this point and that some of your statements can easily be taken as racist. I am also giving you the benefit of the doubt and hoping that you can look past all of this and see each person you meet as an individual not a stereotype.

Your comments overlook the Christian Crusades while implying that Jihad is a norm for all of Islam. The Bible is used by the K.K.K. to justify the killing of black people just as the Koran is used by fundamentalists to justify the killing of innocent people. Religion, all religions it seems, can be warped to suit the needs of radicals.

Enough with this, lets get back to something we all agree on.

DJLC 4/5/05, 11:04 PM EDT
While I do agree with you Toupy, people can easily take your comments as racist, like Dabbaman said. While you and I know they are not racist in any way, and do in fact show truth, it's easy to take from your comments that you're saying "all Arabs, muslims, etc. are terrorists." While this does seem to be true today, that pisses people off. Get back on subject, you monkey! Now me needs cheesed fishsticks!

Ains 4/6/05, 12:38 AM EDT
Post number 29!! :D

cAtraXx 4/6/05, 2:12 AM EDT
30 ! You lose. :D

Jonahan 4/6/05, 1:47 PM EDT
Yeah! If the whole world had a pair of pants with enough pockets for 42 fishsticks and a package of Velveeta cheese slices, we'd have the whole peace thing nailed down!

I'd say any more political talk would have to be carried into the forums. Jstoup didn't mean ill, the 'arab flying a jet' may have been a bad blanket statement, he apologized and corrected and we move on to the next bit of Macness.

Always remember: WWCSD.

(What would Cosmic Stan do?)

Axis 4/6/05, 1:50 PM EDT
Wow- jstoup I really appreciated your well reserached/thought out commentary.

I really hope that Dab2 and, yes even you catraxx, could look beyond and see the bigger picture of what jstoup is saying, do you get it at all?

It is merely a very well put together rebuttle to Ahmed's statements. It is not racist but it does discuss the acts of races of people. Jstoup took the position of defending America and a lot of you are not of the mind to hear what hes saying just for that. I pity thee!

Thanks jstoup- keep up the good fight.

cAtraXx 4/7/05, 4:21 AM EDT
Very well thought out ? What's well thought out about it ? I see comments like that thrice every day. It's basicly all the same pro-bush crap. No thoughts about why it happened, just that it happened.

You pity me ? I pity you, because all that i said is that there are different opinions on this planet, a fact that most americans seem to ignore these days. Because we all now that the USA is the center of god's whole creativity and all the rest are simply pawns to be moved. That's how the rest of the world feels.

Fact is that nobody performs a act of terrorism just for fun. If i look upon what the whole western world did to all the 3rd world countries and the arabian nations in the past it was a damn matter of time until something like that happened. And it will happen again soon enough because just like WWII nobody learned a damn thing from it.

See, we germans dislike war today because our whole nation was pretty much burned down to the ground after we lost our war. Perhaps that is a very rewarding experience everybody should have before thinking about going into another war.

So you lost a damn building ? So what ? We lost nearly every major city here not too long ago. Your nation has bombed cities all over the globe, it's about damn time the war came home for you. But so far it didn't really. Everytime i hear crap like this i'm hoping it will, though. Just because i'm sick and tired of hearing all this warmongering.

Axis 4/7/05, 2:03 PM EDT
"See, we germans dislike war today because our whole nation was pretty much burned down to the ground after we lost our war. Perhaps that is a very rewarding experience everybody should have before thinking about going into another war."
"Everytime i hear crap like this i'm hoping it will"

Seem to contradict each other very nicely. I am not religious- at all, and I don't support Bush for anyother reason than that he IS the president of the United States, which of itself is enough reason to give him respect.
You BREATHE anti american ideas, I was giving props to jstoup for defending US (yes there are two meanings in that) and you, being the way you are, have no other choice than to rip on what was said. Rip away- it will all avail for naught.

Redneck Mac User 4/8/05, 10:07 AM EDT
"See, we germans dislike war today because our whole nation was pretty much burned down to the ground after we lost our war."

How many wars did it take? Lesse, Europe had been one bloody mess for a long time, Germany stabbing in it's sword whenever it could, the 1st Franco-Prussian War only solidified German power and might, WWI you got your teeth kicked in which y'all forgot about and proceeded with WWII right after the Ruhr Invasion of 1923-1924.

And after WWII it was dear old America that pulled your sorry hides out of the dust the Allies put you, we gave money, supplies, manpower to rebuild what the Allies knocked down, and we still haven't called for payement. I think we're stupid, if I was president I'd send Guido and Vinny to 'convince' you to pay up.

The only reason you Germans have been slacking on the war making lately is because of the Cold War where we Americans did all the heavy lifting when it came to staving off the Soviet Union from advancing and finish pulling all of Germany under the Iron Curtain.

You're weak now, not your fault, we've should have pulled out years ago and left you to grind through the Communist mill.

But even that didn't stop your government from making shady deals with Saddam over oil and weapons, now did it?

"I pity you, because all that i said is that there are different opinions on this planet, a fact that most americans seem to ignore these days."

When "a different opinion" means "killing American citizens" pardon us if we tell y'all to STFU.

"Because we all now that the USA is the center of god's whole creativity and all the rest are simply pawns to be moved. That's how the rest of the world feels."

Now you are getting it! Seriously, the 'rest of the world' (thank goodness you can speak for them!) sings our praises, at least the ones that get what we are doing.

We send out more foreign aid and spend more tourist dollars in more places around the globe then almost the rest of the world combined.

We export democracy and freedom paid by the blood of our sons and daughters, we spend more money from the world's largest economic powerhouse, we do more for the world than anyone else, and yet only our flaws, misteps and mistakes are what are harped on over and over in foreign media.


Go on, pity us, look down on us, spit on us, but when the chips are down and the bad guys are rolling in, we know we'll be the first guys you'll call.

Jonahan 4/8/05, 1:02 PM EDT
It's this type of stuff that makes me ashamed to be American. I can't even read this vitriole. Any more political posts will be deleted, but I'm leaving what's there .... In fact, let's lock the comments down on this sucker....

Peace be with everyone on the planet, and that's something we have to remember - we all share a planet that's getting smaller and smaller! :)

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