2 Guys, a Mac, and a Website - The Evolution of the Web - Panther Won't Be 64-bit, But No Need For Worry
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 Panther Won't Be 64-bit, But No Need For Worry
Remember back when Apple debuted Jaguar, and many PC-using-types got all bent out of shape about Apple saying that the G5 would be the first 64-bit personal computer? Some of these folks claimed that Apple was manipulating the facts and the G5 was not the first 64-bit system to market, but that BOXX techologies beat them to it. Well, Apple kinda-sorta was manipulating the facts (what good company doesn't!?) but they didn't lie about anything.

See, the aforementioned computer from BOXX is 64-bit and shipped before the PowerMac G5, but it's dubbed a "Workstation", whereas the G5 is a "Personal Computer". Granted, some people will claim the G5 has the features of a workstation, but that's not how Apple advertises it, and for the most part it's not used in the traditional role of a workstation (for instance, they're not used so much for high-end work in CG, but for video/audio and just slightly more consumer-related activities). So really, that's just good marketing, folks! Microsoft has gotten away with much, much worse than this for years.

On another front, AMD is nearing completion of their 64-bit chip (the Athlon 64), and some think that Apple won't beat them to market with the G5. On top of that, an article from The Register points out that Panther, the next revision to OS X, will not be a 64-bit OS, but rather a 32-bit OS that can use some features of the 64-bit chip.

Sounds bad for Apple and all the fans in it's corner, eh?

Well not really. Microsoft won't have a 64-bit OS ready yet for quite some time (early 2004 or thereabouts), so the only thing an Athlon 64 could run would be Linux. Which is fine if you use Linux. You probably wouldn't be buying Apple hardware anyway, so enjoy your 64-bit glory (just don't come to me to recompile your kernel or anything, as I'll be spending my time getting actual work done).

Secondly, the fact that Panther will not be a truly 64-bit OS is a good thing. Really - it is! As The Register says, Apple going the 32-bit route is a "smart move that allows the platform to take advantage of the key aspects of 64-bit computing without forcing a migration from the 32-bit world." So we can use all our old 32-bit apps, while having the advantage of using 64-bit memory addressing! If you're not that technically inclined, this is basically like when Apple made the jump from 68k processors to PowerPC processors "back in the day".

Apple's game plan is a sound one, unlike other players. Munch on this bit of info from the same article at The Register: "There is no Panther-like hybrid option available [in Windows] - 32-bit code that can cope with 64-bit addressing...Initially, Windows users will be stuck with the 32-bit version of the OS, which the Athlon 64 also supports but which doesn't deliver any of the new chip's 64-bit benefits."

So yes, Panther is technically a 32-bit Operating System, but now you know where to tell ignorant PC users where to stick it when they say Apple won't be first to market with a 64-bit system.

(Hint: Think lower torso.)

[ More reading on this ]

July 28 2003, 9:34 PM EDT, by

Zack 7/28/03, 11:01 PM EDT
Thanks for the heads up Jonahan. And no, I don't mean heads up the lower torso, either.

Jonahan 7/29/03, 2:13 PM EDT
Heh...yeah, I guess we planned ahead with our category image for the "Opinion" topic, eh? ;)

Joe C. Carson 7/30/03, 6:45 AM EDT
Good article. You might like to take a look at my view of the claims that Apple lied about the G5 (Nope, Apple didn't...)...

WARNING! Blatant Plug Ahead!

My recent article at Applelust.com "The Smell Of Fear" toucbes onj some of the same ideas and debunks the debunkers.

Once you look into the real facts, the G5 is a honkin' big beast with more power than a race prepared Ferrari and more finesse than a BMW going down the boulevard...and that scares the Wintel folks. I wonder if that had anytthing to do with all the FUD plants in the media?

Jonahan 7/31/03, 12:13 PM EDT
Very nice Joe! I'm glad you debunked the potential debunkers :)

Anyone who has any other plugs like this, plug away!

mista 8/15/03, 12:34 AM EDT
not to nitpick, but the unholy empire has had a 64-bit OS since at least 2002. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/64bit/default.asp

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