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 The Open Source Way versus the Microsoft Way
Here's an article from OSviews.com - it's geared more towards the open-source movement than anything Apple-related, but it's a very good read:
"My days are spent working with Windows, and challenges abound there. But often the challenges are not the ones I anticipated. Rather than concentrating on my own code, I often have to run down buggy SQL drivers, ActiveX components, or DLL's (or some nightmarish combination of all three). Windows is littered with badly-thought-out APIs. Trying to make Windows inter-operate with other systems is like teaching an elephant to tap-dance: you can do it, but the results aren't pretty.

This is not to say, as so many in the Linux community do, that "Windows sucks." Windows doesn't suck. Lots of very smart people have worked very hard to ensure that Windows doesn't suck. But it is also clear that Windows was designed and built by committee, with a specification written by a marketing and PR department. It is a great, ungainly bag of good and bad technologies all mixed together. To a person like myself, who values elegance and cleanness of design over all else, Windows inspires more winces than smiles.


Linux is not behind Windows because Linux isn't following Windows. We're doing things a different way, the correct way. We admit bugs when they happen and do our best to fix them. Our feature sets are not dictated by marketing and PR departments. We give back to the community."
Full article

April 27 2004, 11:14 AM EDT, by

sweetjimmyhugs 4/15/04, 5:53 PM EDT
The thing I like about Linux and the entire Open Source community is the fact that everyone tries to help each other out. Not unlike the forums here at the 2Guys, there is always someone to ask for help. From the annoyingly simple to the extremely difficult, there is always someone who has an idea that may help you out. Hooray for open source!

stickman67 4/19/04, 12:26 AM EDT
"Windows doesn't suck." Now there's something you don't see every day.

I thought if you turned on a Windows PC in your room it would suck the paint off your walls. Suck the plaque off your teeth. Suck the eyeballs out of your skull. Turn your house into a black hole from which not even light could escape.

Guess I was wrong all this time.


Steve 5/1/04, 2:11 PM EDT
stickman, not quite
it will suck your shorts off...

nhmacusr 5/7/04, 10:26 AM EDT
On the contrary, the article is very relevant. Not all of the Darwin developers are on Apples payroll. And literally the Darwin project is open to any developer. They are just really picky. Not much different than any of the otehr projects. Look a KDE, a fair number of the core developers are emplyed at Suse, but the project is still a community effort.

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