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iMac G5_468x60
 Holy crap that's a lot of music
According to a Billboard article Apple sold 275,000 songs with iTune's Music Store, in it's FIRST 18 HOURS! That's a lot of songs.

Let's do the math real quick. 275,000 songs times $.99 a song, that's $272,250! Now according to a recent interview I read (that I can't remember the URL to) Apple makes about $.39 a track. Soooo.... 275,000 songs times $.39 a song, and Apple made $107,250, in just 18 hours!

If you take the average time of a song as 3 minutes, then Apple sold 825,000 minutes of music, that's 13,750 hours, or 572.9167 days, or 1 year and almost 6 months of music! Holy Crap thats a lot of music!

Now, these are not only in the first 18 hours, but they are also only orders from inside the United States. And not only that, but these 275,000 songs are also only from Macs.

May 1 2003, 10:59 PM EDT, by


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