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 A Sassy Worm - Just the Facts
This is probably the shortest article about a virus or worm ever (ok, so you rightly point out that nothing on this site should be classified as an article, but whatever). Here goes.

There's a new Windows virus. Unprotected computers can get it just by having Internet Explorer running and being connected to the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of Windows PC's are already infected. It "only" makes your computer reboot over and over. You can download the fix here, the security patch here, and read more about it here.

Macintosh and Linux systems are unaffected by this virus (Mac OS X to this day still has no known viruses in the wild). This is mainly because, unlike Microsoft, Apple and Linux geeks actually care about security and know how to make things secure.

May 3 2004, 4:51 PM EDT, by

matty 5/3/04, 7:54 PM EDT
Micro$oft care about security a great deal. But they still suck.

"On October 25, 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP Operating System. That same day, they also released 18 megabytes of repair patches on their homepage. Two of the many repair patches were supposed to fix some rather important security holes – and one of the patches worked, but the other one didn’t!" (Dr Karl, http://www.abc.net.au/science/k2/moments/s731522.htm)

HTML Samurai 5/4/04, 8:13 AM EDT
"This is mainly because, unlike Microsoft, Apple and Linux geeks actually care about security and know how to make things secure."

w00t! w00t!

Jonahan 5/4/04, 9:25 AM EDT
matty, I'm not sure MS really and truly does care about security. They've only taken security measures in the last few years because they've absolutely HAD to, or else risk losing people in droves to other platforms.

But they're probably too late anyway, as Longhorn will be the first version of Windows to ship with "security baked in", and that won't be around for a couple years.

Ah, it's a good time to be a Mac user!

rlhamon 5/4/04, 6:21 PM EDT
I know for a fact that Microsoft didn't care until recently about security. How do I know this it's called a little certification called MSCP and what that mainly means is that I receive publications and emails on what Microsoft focus was to their customers and to post Microsoft Marketing material. It wasn't until after Sept. 11 2001 when Microsoft started to focus on security why ... Uncle Sam cracked down on Microsoft that's why.
Truth is .... Microsoft doesn't know how to make secure software and the past two years has showed that without a doubt.

styropor 5/5/04, 12:26 PM EDT
Until recently the term security had a clear meaning for MS: create a real bad-ass, unbreakable copy protection for MS products. So instead of being good at denying unwanted people acces to YOUR computer, they are really good at preventing YOU from doing so.

Jesse Leo 5/5/04, 4:51 PM EDT
Has anyone seen Longhorn? I saw a screenshot and it looked so much like Mac OSX that I thought it was a joke.

cAtraXx 5/6/04, 12:59 AM EDT
A friend of mine is infected with it. I've got to say this virus is really a fine piece of software, there's much love and thought in it.

As much as i hated all that stuff back when i was using windoze, it only amuses me now, every two weeks i can see the M$ people cursing about the ohsobad virus programmers, but in reality the doors are wide open for them, they're just exploiting mistakes by the best running software company in the world. If you ask me who's to blame, i'd say blame M$, not the people who show them every day how much their Software sucks.

Ah, isn't it great to stand in the middle of a war while being invincible yourself ?

cAtraXx 5/6/04, 1:14 AM EDT
Jesse Leo: I don't know where you found that screenshot, but i think Longhorn pretty much looks like Win XP Extended or something. I mean, sure everybody steals some elements from Os X, but after all it was the sucky little icons and the moron start button ... so it's windoze. I guess.

Oh btw: Tiger vs. Cow ... i wonder who'll win.

Jonahan 5/6/04, 9:16 AM EDT
cAtraXx, I agree :)

I would say you can't blame the virus writers, you have to blame MS. It's almost scary that a guy can get thrown in prison for writing 3 lines of code. Yes, you could say a virus writer is doing all sorts of bad and he's a bad guy, etc. etc., but what's he really doing? He's not hurting anyone. Yeah, it's affecting productivity, but when it really comes down to it, whose fault is it? Microsoft's.

Besides, you can't really go after all these guys, there's just too many. It's like the drug war--- quit going after all the small time dealers, hit the source. You spend way too much time and money trying to contain all the small timers.

I dunno...I just get ticked off when Windows users want to throw these virus writers in jail.

rlhamon 5/6/04, 10:37 AM EDT
Yea lets throw Bill and Monkey Boy Balmer in jail for their contribution to the virus age.

I really think if Microsoft was broken into two different company's they would actually create better software or is that the oxycontin talking again.

macz in the hood 5/12/04, 6:52 AM EDT
If for example DaimlerChrysler would sell a car without lockable doors they wouldn't sell one car. Would you buy a car which is only safe in your garage? The writer of Sasser did everyone who's working with Windoze a favor to point with the finger on the security holes (it's more like one fuc*ing big black hole sucking in all the [doodoo] floating through the web...).

cAtraXx 5/13/04, 12:29 AM EDT
Without Sasser M$ wouldn't have bothered to close that hole, that is certainly true. And Sasser was quite harmless, too. Imagine what could've happened if Sasser would have been a Virus that deletes the hd after it has infected enough other systems.

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