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Wi-Fi Woes In The Windows World |
A Wired article reports on the state of Wi-Fi with Windows XP:
"It will and does lose connection for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and then picks it up again, seemingly randomly," Gilmore [a Network Administrator with MicroDisplay] said. "At first, it was so aggravating. And now, it's considered a normal factor of working with Windows."
From anecdotal evidence, most users assume the problem is with the Wi-Fi hardware. But the trouble seems to arise from a tool in Windows XP called Wireless Zero Configuration, a feature that was meant to do away with the mishmash of software drivers and configuration utilities.
"There is a way of getting lost Wi-Fi connections going again, but it involves going deep into XP's settings every time the problem arises, Fleishman [editor of WI-FI Networking News] said. And the fix could be a nightmare for people like Gilmore, who don't want less-advanced users mucking around with the guts of the operating system."
Microsoft denies the trouble is with their software as they haven't been getting a flood of calls about it, but then most people are assuming the problem is with their Wi-Fi card or settings and call their hardware vendor instead of Microsoft.
Meanwhile, in the Mac world, zero-config is a reality and wireless issues are few and far between.
Full Story
June 4 2004, 8:59 AM EDT, by |
speedyrev |
6/4/04, 11:29 AM EDT |
Hmmm, XP wireless Vs. Airport?
BWAhahahahahahahahahahahha!!!!!! I love it when I read things that confirm what I already figured out!
Mickey |
6/5/04, 3:17 AM EDT |
I loved reading this. It confirms a problem I've had. I've been using a Linksys WRT54G with two XP computers and my G4 PowerBook. Every couple minutes the stupid XP computers would tell me they had rediscovered the network they were already on -- and then they would go offline until I reconnected them!
I finally got so fed up I bought a 50-foot cable and hardwired the two XP computers together. The PowerBook, however, never had a problem connecting or staying connected. (Microwave oven interference, my eye.)
Greg |
6/7/04, 7:49 AM EDT |
I've had this problem since the 1st day I used XP. I also thought that this was a hardware issue until I installed SuSE linux on my Dell 8200. Linux never dropped a connection while XP will lose a connection if you have it under load (ftp or long http) for about 30 seconds or so. After you lose the connection, then it comes back about 15 seconds later. I have never had any problem like this on my Mac, and thank goodness I no longer have any apps that have me tied to Windows.
HTML Samurai |
6/7/04, 11:36 AM EDT |
My wife had this problem with her laptop while running XP. I did find a terrific fix for it - I installed Linux!
6/9/04, 1:28 AM EDT |
I just bought a Belkin Wireless b router, I had it set up in no time at all. It was free after rebate.
I just bought a pBook 15". It kicks anus. They work together seamlessly. it's a thing of beautyousness.
deac |
6/9/04, 12:02 PM EDT |
I cut my computer teeth on Mac and after a few days of tinkering with my friend's iBook G4, I am sold! I will be switching. But, I digress.
I was trying to get a coworker hooked up on our campus wireless network (he has a pc-based laptop). The set up and support is patchy at best for cards that aren't the Cisco Aironet card...except for those who have AirPort cards (like I am using to pen this post) . You've gotta love seamless hardware and software integration. I know I do.
Andrew |
6/13/04, 11:03 PM EDT |
windows is terrible with switching which device you are using to connect to the internet, you have to go through and enable or disable whatever device you are using, or there will be a message popping up every so often screaming at you "THE NETWORK CABLE IS UNPLUGGED" or "NO WIRELESS NETWORKS AVAILABLE.' now i have switched to mac, and i dont have to worry about any of that, or the popups thanks to safari. With my ibook G4, i can go from ethernet to wireless with one simple click, and now i can never imagine going back to windows.
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