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 iPod Games for Everyone!
WARNING: Some of the information in this article may be already known by some people, perhaps even common knowledge. Be this as it may, I realized the other day that not everyone knew about it, and they should.

ANOTHER WARNING: This article may sound like an advertisement for XOplay and iPodsoft. It's NOT. Trust me.

Okay then:

I have an iPod. You have an iPod. If you don't have an iPod, you should.

The iPod comes pre-installed with four games. These games are great; doesn't everyone love shooting down helicopters? But, let's face it, after the 4,000th time you beat solitaire, it gets a little old.

So what to do? Where can you find other games for your iPod? Is it even possible?

The answers to these rhetorical questions lie within.

Yes, there are many other games for the iPod. There are several different places and ways to get them.

The first is XOplay, which is actually an iPod game company. I'm pretty sure they were the first ones to actually sell iPod games, starting with "The Rise of the Lost." The only reason they suck is because they charge actual money for their games.

You see, alternative iPod games are (and, for now, only can be) simple text games, very similar to the choose your own adventure books. They're played through the notes section of the iPod. XOplay charges money for theirs, but who wants to give up hard-earned money?

This brings me to iPodsoft.

iPodsoft is a website that creates and promotes their iPod game maker, called "iStory Creator." iStory will apparently let you create iPod games really easily.

The only thing is iStory Creator is that it's only available for Windows right now......*curses under breath*...., but they're working on a version for Mac.

Anyway, if you go to iPodsoft.com/downloads, they have an abundance of different iPod text games, ranging from trivia games to versions of Grand Theft Auto. Some of these games are actually pretty entertaining, and can become a nice break from the included four.

(one of the games on their download page is the game I made...click here to see it)

So I made an iPod game and put it up on their download page, and then I got a whole bunch of emails from Mac users wondering how I could make an iPod game without iStory.

The answer lies in the iPod's note reader. It seems as though the iPod note reader can actually read a few HTML tags, including the ability to link to other notes in the same folder.

And so I thought to myself, "Hmm......this means that you can embed links in notes to other notes in the same folder.....and that you can make an interface where the user can read a situation and make a choice....and the choices could be links to other pages in the same folder producing different results....."

So, I began work on my iPod game, and it was a success. If I could do it, so can you. I wrote this article so that more people might make their own games, providing entertainment for all of us.

August 22 2004, 11:41 PM EDT, by

whatsinaname9000 8/22/04, 11:45 PM EDT
no one had written anything in a while, so i decided to.

(by the way, thanks to Da john-like creature, Jonahan, and SJH for helpin me with my problem in the forum. I completely redid my site with their help [click on my name to see it])

whatsinaname9000 8/22/04, 11:46 PM EDT
no one had written anything in a while, so i decided to.

(by the way, thanks to Da john-like creature, Jonahan, and SJH for helpin me with my problem in the forum. I completely redid my site with their help [click on my name to see it])

cAtraXx 8/23/04, 4:46 AM EDT
I wrote up something, but it has yet to be reviewed.

Nice article altogether, wian9k.

stickman67 8/23/04, 8:31 AM EDT
I haven't written a damned thing. Too lazy, too pathetic. Possibly too psychotic.

So sue me.

Incidentally, I enjoyed reading this article, if only because it reminded me of what I'm missing.

I'm one of three people left on the planet, including a blind beggar in Basra and a Tibetan Buddhist monk with Guinness Book of Records halitosis (he stays alive by sucking the sandals of his fellow monks), who don't actually own an iPod.

I feel so alone ...

whatsinaname9000 8/23/04, 8:42 AM EDT
aww...im sorry.

eventually you'll find a scam that'll get you one for free.

Beezer 8/23/04, 7:57 PM EDT
Check out VoodooPad over at http://flyingmeat.com/ - it's ideal for making this kind of games.

DJ-LC 8/23/04, 9:43 PM EDT
Yeah I don't have one either :-(

Always getting left out of the iPod games...lol

Luckily, there is a wholesaler on eBay who has some 3rd Gens fairly cheap

Nathan (iPodSoft) 8/28/04, 3:27 AM EDT
Just came upon this article posted. I was glad to see our free software being spread. I really enjoyed the thief game that the poster made, so just wanted to thank him for the contribution.

Also, I would like to encourage anyone with a pc to load up iStory Creator and write a game or two. It can really be more fun than you think.

As for mac users, I have had an overwhelming demand for a mac version and I promise a mac version WILL be made available soon (late september). The new version will not just be a port of the windows version, but will be remade from the ground up for macs.

For more detailed information on making interactive text games (if you are willing to bear learning some html) go here: http://developer.apple.com/hardware/ipod/ipodnotereader.pdf

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(The good news is there's always the shoutbox, the forums or the contact form if you're socially-inclined at the moment!)

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