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 One Cheap Box from Apple Please - with Ranch!
This article is really just a tossed salad of other people's ideas (where my thoughts are the bacon bits on top), but I think it's good food for thought. Hmm...what's with all the food analogies? Must be lunchtime.

Anyhow, suspending the fact that my stomach is gurgling for a moment, MacRumors has a translation of a MacPlus article wherein it's suggested that Apple may come out with a low-end box for around $599.

This brought to mind a MacWhispers article about a possible 20th Anniversary Mac that may be possibly be a Cube. Perhaps.

Now interestingly, before the MacRumors article about a cheap box was posted, the MacNightOwl had asked Apple to "Bring Back the Cube and Make it Cheap". He even went so far as to speculate on the price. What was it, you ask? $599 - the exact same price mentioned by MacRumors. Er...or MacPlus. Whatever. Whether it was a divine coincidence or Gene has some inside info, we may never know - but he goes on to give some excellent points as to why this $599 machine would be a good move for Apple. You should really go read the article. Right now. Go on, I'll wait for ya!

Ho humm....


Hey ok you're back! You're a pretty quick reader! You must use a Mac. ;)

So anyway, we all know that "cheap Apple machine" = more market share and more money in Apple's pockets.

For more proof of this, look at Core Computer. They're building cheap boxes that can run the Mac OS and they seem to be doing really well. Now I'd like to point out one more article (last one, I promise), this one by TheMacMind's Steve Salas. As Steve says, "Apple offers computer solutions; Core Computer offers a hobbyist's dream." (By the way this is the crouton part of the salad. Mmmmm....)

Now let's tie this whole thing together (or toss the salad, if you will.) If Apple would break their own rules and actually offer a machine that is expandable for $599, they'd make a killing. Many Windows and Linux users would switch so they could use the world's greatest OS (OS X if you were wondering) and all the fantastic applications that come with it.

Whether Apple actually has the cajones to do this, and whether it'll be done as a 20th Anniversary Mac remains to be seen. But I know one thing - I gotta eat. Discuss amongst yourselves.

June 2 2003, 12:21 PM EDT, by

iKen 6/2/03, 4:46 PM EDT
hehehe... you said toss the salad...

stickman67 6/2/03, 10:20 PM EDT
There may be a 'puter to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Macintosh, but it won't be called the 20th Anniversary Mac. Why? Because in 1997 a quite unique computer by that name was released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Apple (see http://www.apple-history.com/frames/?&page=gallery&model=annivers ary). Wonder what they'll call this anniversary model?

wildone 6/3/03, 12:58 AM EDT
For a cheap Mac Box: Core Computer offers various systems ranging from low-end without a processor, to complete systems. (Without the MacOS of course) These machines are not geared towards the newbie, they are geared towards the existing Machead who already owns computer parts and wants an expandable system.

more info at: http://www.2khappyware.com/

REM 6/3/03, 2:20 AM EDT
I don't see a 599 box, But I would like to see an addition to the Pro line. Most people don't need expansion slots. I have been a Mac Consultant since 1987 and have put in only about 25 expansion cards covering both SCSI & PCI busses. All were either Ethernet, before is became standard, or SCSI for either scanners, for non Motherboard SCSI models, or hard drive arrays.

What I would like to see is a model that has a single CPU, 4 memory slots, 1 PCI Slot, 1AGP slot, no attached Monitor, room for 2 internal and 2 externally accessible drive positions. The reason that I suggest this is that many people can get along with only 1 CPU and minimal expansion capabilities but want larger than a 17" monitor. They need minimal size but more than the iMac can give and it can be priced at less than the present single cpu model as it is smaller & less complicated then the 2 cpu models.

Jonahan 6/3/03, 1:17 PM EDT
Expandability would be nice, but I agree that 1 PCI card would be sufficient. What I should have said in the article though is that such a box/cube should be upgradeable. That is, have the ability to swap out more than just RAM. Put the Video card in an AGP slot so you can upgrade it when the need arises. Allow people to upgrade the hard drive.

This will get all those Windows folks who don't buy Macs because a) They're too expensive or b) They think you throw your Mac out after a couple years because you can't upgrade it. (We all know Macs hold their value insanely well, but the ignorant unwashed masses don't.)

Also, something I couldn't work into the article: MLA N audio over firewire.

Bascially it let's you run some of your peripheral audio equipment via firewire instead of needing PCI ports. With stuff like this we hardly need extra PCI slots :)

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