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 Top 5 OS X apps - The Results Are In
In an earlier post I asked everyone to tell me what you thought were your top five applications, top three features and best hidden feature os OS X. Many people responded and as a result I got quite a few cool tips and was introduced to some really sweet features. Now, for those of you who don't want to read each and every post, please allow me to sum it all up for you. This is best of the best, applications and feature-wise.

Top 5 Applications by Vote

1. Safari ~ 12
2. iTunes ~ 10
3. Mail ~ 7
4. BBedit ~ 4
5. Adium - Graphic Converter - iChat - TextEdit - Quicksilver ~ 3

From this list it appears that most of you use your computers to first surf the Web, second rock to some music, and third to check your mail. And all three of those activities are taken care of quite nicely by Apple. From the rest of the list it appears that using IM and coding (using TextEdit, Xcode, BBedit etc.) were still fairly popular and thus rounded out the top 5.

Top Feature

1. Expose
2. Zero Config Networking
3. Built-in Spell Check

Hands down Expose was the winner. And for good reason, it is a truely awsome feature. The ZCN is something that you don't even think about until you are using Windows and realize that things just got much crappier. And the spell check, how much does that rock? That is a feature that I keep trying to use in Windows to my eternal frustration.

Best Little Known Feature

I enjoyed the responses to this the most. I also learned several nice tips from everyone and it appears that several people picked up some new tricks as well.

So, if anyone has any more cool tips, tricks or apps to add please throw a comment my way in this post. Happy computing everyone.


March 9 2005, 7:40 AM EDT, by

cAtraXx 3/9/05, 8:31 AM EDT
As for the little known features, it help me alot to browse modding and theme sites, they often deal with this kind of features, since they really need it :)

Roger 3/9/05, 9:57 PM EDT
One of the best OSX apps that is usually over looked is Preview. If you don't think it is a cool app just open a PDF in Acrobat Reader or what ever they call that dog today; Then try the file in Preview.

If that doesn't convence you, then grab a couple dozen jpegs and drag them on the Preview icon; Watch the magic.


Tay 3/10/05, 12:26 AM EDT
Did you know if you hold command+option and click in the icon view in finder you can drag the view around. That actually used to work in IE for Mac but I don't remember the shortcut.

It doesn't work in safari, but I use space and shift+space to move around there.

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