2 Guys, a Mac, and a Website - The Evolution of the Web - Apple Will Never Ever Ever Make Windows Software (Other Than iTunes)
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 Apple Will Never Ever Ever Make Windows Software (Other Than iTunes)
Warning - This is a big ole' rant that stems from reading an article from the eCommerce times. I found it by way of MacDailyNews, and it's not a bad article in itself, but certain suggestions of it sent me over the top and now I must rant about it. That said, on with the rant!

Ok, I'm sick and tired of hearing people say that Apple should make such-and-such application for Windows. Or speculating that Apple might make certain applications for Windows. Or making a tuna sandwich and mentioning to their friend George that they'd really like it if Apple ported over iMovie to Windows because it's really better than anything else on the Windows side. Why did a tuna sandwich pop into the reference? I don't know, but tuna sandwiches have also been irking me lately.

Anyway, let me say that other than iTunes, Apple won't make any other Windows software. It just ain't gonna happen. Nope. Uh-uh. Never. Maybe. What? Where did that maybe come from? It shouldn't have been there, so let me state with emphasis that Apple will not make any software for Windows other than the aforementioned iTunes.

Why? Cuz they can't and they won't and ya don't stop. Whoops...damn Beastie Boys lyrics. Anyway the Beasties are right. Apple cannot and will not make Windows software. Because 1: it's not profitable, and B: they're just not good at it.

Apple knows their OS inside and out, and with the power of Cocoa they can develop applications faster than anyone in the industry. In case you're fuzzy on what Cocoa is, it's the native programming language for OS X. All of the iApps are written using Cocoa, including (but not limited to) iCal, iChat, iTunes, and Safari. Cocoa is object-oriented, and very easy for large groups of people to work with. It allows for modularity, meaning that blocks of code suiting certain purposes can be easily used in different programs. It also gives you a lot "for free", meaning that you don't have to program every little menu, or about box, what have you. Cocoa allows programmers to program and not worry too much about some of the "smaller" stuff, like 'Close' or 'Ok' buttons.

So anyway, unless Apple can somehow come up with a brilliant way to port Cocoa and all of it's programming tools to the Intel architecture, Apple won't be able to program for windows very efficiently at all.

Some people might point out that Apple supposedly has a version of OS X that runs on Intel hardware. This was a rumor from almost a year ago, called project "Marklar". That's all well and good, but Cocoa will still only run on that version of OS X - not in Windows.

So, from my admittedly not-that-enlightened view of things, Cocoa just won't work on Windows.

That means that Apple would have to program things "the Windows way". Heck, they had to hire out-of-house for the Sr. Software Engineer for the iTunes for Windows project. Apple doesn't know how to do things the Windows way, but with all the money they'll be making with the Windows version of the iTunes Music Store, it'll be worth it.

There's no reason to make iMovie, iCal or any of those apps for Windows either. Apple wants to have reasons to buy their machines, not spend lots of time and money to create equal reasons to stick with a PC.

So there. Apple will never ever ever ever make anything for Windows other than iTunes.

Probably. ;)

June 17 2003, 5:03 PM EDT, by

Slyrobber 6/17/03, 8:47 PM EDT

rlhamon 6/18/03, 8:13 AM EDT
iApps is what drove me to buy an apple. I do really think that when Apple brings iTunes for PC Safari also come out for PC so that you can access Apple's Music Store.

stickman67 6/18/03, 8:58 PM EDT
I've said it before, but because I luvs yez I'm going to say it again:

Life was so much easier when windows were things that you opened to let in fresh air and closed to keep out the rain ...

I think there's something in that for all of us, don't you? :-)

Chris 6/20/03, 3:57 PM EDT
Apple's porting it's software to Windows could happen but it would have to be after a concious decision to become a dedicated software company. So unless they decide that hardware isn't profitable anymore, don't expect any other software for Windows besides Quicktime and iTunes.

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