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 Freddy vs. Jason
It finally came out. One of the most anticipated “vs.” movies to yet come around aside from Godzilla vs. King Kong in the 1960’s. I had the unique pleasure of viewing this movie over the weekend.

Seven words come to mind when recalling the events of this film; bloody, more bloody, and pretty darn gruesome. One word comes to mind following watching it; cool. Yes folks, it’s a pretty darn decent movie to go watch with your friends. Don’t bring along your wife, and leave the kiddies at home. If you enjoy sci-fi horror films and have no objections to a child killer named Freddy Kruger, or a malicious slaughtering machine named Jason Voorhees, then this is a film you might want to check out. The effects were effectively gruesome, and I like the way the story tied in both Freddy and Jason, although it did have a slightly contrived feel to it. The “kids” in this film are a far cry from what most kids look like (think big-breasted supermodels), but hey, I wasn’t expecting anything differently and neither should you.

It all begins with Freddy being very bored in hell and deciding to take Jason on as his ticket back to the house on Elm Street. The house is now inhabited by a pretty girl (of course) and her father. The girl’s boyfriend, Will, and his friend are locked away in a mental institution because of their knowledge of Freddy. Apparently the town no longer speaks Freddy’s name and the parents slip their kids a dosage of Hypnocil to keep them from having dreams. Will and his friend manage to escape the hospital and reunite with the girl and her other two best friends. They somehow discover that Freddy is using Jason to get to them, and they try to figure out a way to get Jason and Freddy to square off and kill each other. The story moves quickly, with plenty of death scenes to fill in the gaps, and the conclusion is, well, I’ll leave that one up to you.

All in all, this is a fairly decent mixture of gore, violence, and suspense. Some scenes are quite humorous, while others weren’t always meant to be. Again, don’t expect a five-star film here, but do expect to have a good time and to be entertained.

August 16 2003, 10:56 PM EDT, by

Giaguara 8/17/03, 12:56 PM EDT
It was awesome! Half of the movie they were looking for drugs so that they can save themselves! :D
Also one of the guys had a mac keyboard...

Wasabe 8/25/03, 11:16 PM EDT
Violence, Sex, Drugs, and a Mac Keyboard. Who could ask for a better movie?

Jonahan 8/26/03, 11:46 AM EDT
Sounds cool ;) I think I may wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it though.

AustrianGuyOwningAniPod 1/21/04, 1:49 PM EDT
In Austria the movie started 3 weeks ago and, as a real splatter-freak, I had to watch it. I really liked the movie, although it wasn´t as good as the older Freddy- or Jason-Slashers (Is that possible anyway?!?).

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