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 Sony & others to release iPod killers...again
You know, sometimes these stories just write themselves.

Sony, according to The Register, is about to launch another "iPod Killer" (sigh). Now, the Register isn't the only site to have a story like this, there are several, I just chose this one because it was the first one I found.

Now, I could be wrong, but didn't this exact same thing happen last year? I thought everybody from Dell to Sony to the kid next door was going to release the "ULTIMATE IPOD KILLER"! Oooooh, scary. And what happened? Bupkiss.

But fast-forward, if you will, to the here and now. We have Sony, Rio, Dell, Creative et al who are desperately trying to produce something, anything, that can compete with the iPod line.

But what I find most amusing about the entire line of "iPod Killers" is the arguements they make as to why you should buy their product. Here are a list of the most common features I seem to find:

1. More storage
2. Smaller device
3. FM tuner
4. Voice recording
5. Cheaper

Did you notice what was not on that list? Ease of use. Hum, I wonder if that was important? Nah, probably not.

Oh, and if you haven't heard this amusing little story about Creative let me fill you in. The CEO of Creative (they make the Zen player if that helps -but it probably doesn't), proclaimed to the world that in 2005 Creative would spend $100 million dollars to dethrone the iPod.

$100 million dollars you say, why that will buy quite a bit of R&D. What's that you say? It won't be spent on R&D? But why not? That is where they most desperately need it. The interface sucks and the player is crap. What then would they spend the money on?


Say what?

Let me put this into prespective for you. Creative is spending $100 million to advertise. They only made $800 million last year. Hum, this should be interesting. Who knows, maybe their ads will be more inspired than their products.

This latest generation of iPod killers has about as much chance of staying alive as I would if I walked up to Mike Tyson and told him he talked funny.

February 23 2005, 1:51 PM EDT, by

nhmacusr 2/23/05, 2:26 PM EDT
Funny you should mention the CEO of Creative. That comment is getting some age behind it and I still haven't seen any advertising force from creative. Funny. I wonder where all of those advertising dollars are going?

fuzzmanmatt 2/23/05, 11:35 PM EDT
I wish it was MY pocket...

minty 2/24/05, 11:17 PM EDT
All the money went to buying each Creative employee an iPod mini.

Nah, they aren't that nice...

3/2/05, 2:20 PM EDT
It looks like sony might be getting a hint. According to the Register, they are focusing on ease of use. It should be interesting to see what they come up with. Probably not a killer, but maybe at least a competitor?

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