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 Aww, What a Cute Little Searchling
Searchling...at first glance, it doesn't seem that useful - but man is it ever a timesaver! It lets you search your favorite sites from your menubar, without having to go to that site first.

Searchling installs as easy as any Mac OS X application - just toss it in your Applications folder and it's ready to go. When you launch Searchling, an icon appears in your toolbar:

Clicking on the magnifying glass icon tells Searchling to bring up a search window like below.

In this instance, we're doing a search for OS X apps on VersionTracker, but you can select from many different sites, like eBay or Dictionary.com. You can even add your own search sites, or edit the built-in ones if you like (basically you just edit a plist file in your home directory - you should probably be a little geeky, or at least know a geek if you want to attempt this). For example, I set mine to search PHP.net's function list. Very handy for code monkeys ;)

You can also access some other features of Searchling by going into the preferences (control-click the Searchling icon in the menubar). In here you can set or change the hot key used to bring up a search, as well as change the search window opacity.

All in all, a very cool freakin' app! For more info on Searchling, check out the developer's site, or you can download it from VersionTracker here.

February 26 2003, 4:25 PM EDT, by


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