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 New rumored device called PAL, from a new, and unfamiliar website.
While I was reading As The Apple Turns my attention was turned to Top Technical Tips, and more specifically this article about a new rumored device from Apple called PAL. At the time I wrote this, the site had removed the pictures, but don't worry, you aren't missing much. They are just several views of either one or several different POS ads with a Green aqua looking light bulb with the words PAL, and some sales pitches.

From the aforementioned website:

"The box shot reads:

"Green Light... the Internet... Forget discs. Forget synching... Pal takes your desktop and puts... your fingertips using Mac OS X 10.3... can take your life on the road... use your computer and Pal to fix... problems. So what are you waiting... see the light.""

and is supposed to be a

"small wireless device with a touch sensitive screen, which can remotely login to your desktop Mac. It is suitable for surfing the web on the move. When your Mac is out of range, Pal logs in to your .Mac account, to provide limited functionality". It goes on to say "It has a pen based input method, using Inkwell, but it is not positioned as a Tablet PC since it does not have an internal hard drive. It's not a Mac replacement, it's a Mac companion."

The Pictures, which like I said don't show much, were removed from the website, supposedly because Apple's legal team demanded it. (Incidentally there are postings of the pictures on Mac Rumors Forums.) Now this isn't anything out of the ordinary. Apple's legal team contacts rumor sites quite often to demand the removal of pictures, but usually only when the pictures are authentic.

So, that alone would seem to ad validity to this PAL rumor, BUT they may have removed the pictures on their own accord, and SAID that Apple demanded they remove them. Now I don't know about any one else, but I have never heard of Top Technical Tips, and so I don't know how credible this web site is. So here is my question to you, the reader, what do you think about this rumored PAL? I personally am very skeptical, but it sounds cool. Do you think it may be real? Let's hear your 2 cents in the comments, or even in the forums.

June 4 2003, 6:31 PM EDT, by

Zack 6/5/03, 10:52 PM EDT
I don't see how they can say it isn't a TabletPC only because it doesn't have a hard drive. Wouldn't that qualify as a TabletPC? Or at the very least, a PocketPC/Palm equivelant. Personally, I don't see a use for such a device - my mac laptop is always with me.

Jonahan 6/6/03, 1:43 PM EDT
I agree in that I personally odn't have much use for such a device. I don't see how they could make it that much cheaper than an iBook, and iBooks are pretty easily taken anywhere and can do much more.

But then again, if Apple DID ever make a TabletPC-type-thing, it would probably have features beyond anything we could think of right now, eliciting the drool-factor from all us Macophiles. It could have, for instance, thought-reading technology, instantly converting your thoughtwaves to text, plus a built-in cheese grater!

iKen 6/6/03, 3:16 PM EDT
If it had a cheese grater I would pay up to $500 for it. :)

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