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 Friday Rumor Roundup
Back from the dead, the Friday Rumor Roundup is here to kick you in the head! Started off as a weekly venture, but now apparently reduced to a bi-monthly thing, it's where I round up all of the major rumors from around the Mac Web (as well as the corner pub) so we have something to think about all weekend as well as look forward to for the next week (or month!).

I hope you enjoy! Also, feel free to comment if I missed anything. Here goes:


iTunes Music Store: Apple's meeting with independant music labels was apparently very well-received according to "Some Guy" at cdbaby.net: "It's perfect. It's amazing. It's a winner. And I'm totally behind it." The same guy also states that contracts are on the way, so it won't be long before a whole bunch of indie tracks will be available in the Music Store.

Final Cut Pro 4: It'll be released on June 14th at 4:00 (Not really a rumor but hey, it's something to look forward to!)

Safari: Supposedly it's near gold master status, or so claims ThinkSecret. Perhaps Steve will show off the final version at WWDC?

iChat: An article at ThinkSecret about iChat videoconferencing features (and a possible camera from Apple to go along with it!) was removed at the demand of Apple legal. Of course, removal of rumor info doesn't necessarily make it true, but in most cases it does seem to give the rumor a little more credence.

So assuming Apple DOES have a digital camera up it's sleeve, you'd think it would be debuted alongside iChat. iChat, as part of Panther, will be shown at WWDC - so maybe we'll be seeing the "iTake", or "iShot" then as well.


iPod: The iPod is fresh and new, so no major updates for a while. However, MacWhispers talks about an interesting cable that has a full iPod dock connector at both ends.

Also, this is something far in the future, but ThickSecret notes that Apple may be working on OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode ) technology for use in displays such as the iPods. The OLED is lighter, thinner and brighter than current technology and doesn't require a backlight.

15" Powerbook: O'grady's Powerpage reports that they're ready to go and Apple's just waiting for the channels to clear of the old 15" PowerBook to launch it.

20th Anniversary Mac? New Machine? - Something that Macwhispers originally reported on, and we talked about a little bit. MacRumors even makes mention of it. Will it happen? Probly not, but it's nice to think that it might.

New machines with G5 processors

A Macbidoille article states that Apple has new PowerMacs with the PPC 970 (G5) chip waiting in the wings with tamper-proof seals saying not to open before June 23rd (that's when WWDC starts). Also, in a somewhat dated article, ThinkSecret sources say that Apple will release a minor PowerMac update before the big jump to the PPC 970 architecture.

It has been WIDELY speculated as to when the first Apple machines with G5 chips will be debuted, and what they will be. One site (I can't seem to find the article now, sorry) even thought the Xserve may be the first product with a G5. Whatever the case may be, a lot more light should be shed on this topic during Steve Jobs' WWDC keynote!

New Pro Speakers: A MacWhispers report talks about this. Most likely these are for usage with new PowerMacs?

Apple Displays: To go with new PowerMacs, Apple usually also revamps the display line. LoopRumors reports that the new displays "will take design tips from the current iMac models with more viewing flexibility and be much lighter than previous models "

June 6 2003, 3:52 PM EDT, by

iKen 6/6/03, 6:13 PM EDT
you forgot the PAL. :)

Jonahan 6/8/03, 12:51 PM EDT
Ah yes, the PAL....I guess coming from where it did (Top Technical Tips???) I didn't put too much stock into it. It could be true though, and wierder things have happened!

Also, yesterday AppleInsider posted info about PowerMac G5's at WWDC. It's not really anything that people haven't already speculated about, but they do offer some specs on the upcoming PowerMacs.

Should we believe it though? Pshaw...does Steve Ballmer crap in the woods? Does a PC user have no sense of style? Does Bill Gates have no charisma whatsoever? ;)

stickman67 6/8/03, 8:14 PM EDT
Another potential nasty doing the rounds is a purported Safari v80 beta, which is downloadable from a Russian website (no names, because I don't want to be responsible).

This has a lot of changes from v74, not least that it now comes with an installer. But some of the changes may be just a tad suspicious, and it also makes changes to files in your system. While this is not inconsistent with other Apple software, it is different to previous versions of Safari, and does suggest caution if you're not sure this is real.

Once you've installed it, it seems you can't run older versions of Safari, either, so there's no going back.

No one seems sure whether this "leak" is kosher, or even halal, but I'm steering clear (just for once!). I got caught up in the hilarious v78 scam a couple of weeks ago (boy, that kid had too much time and not enough brains, whoever he or she was -- I'm guessing he, though, 'cause girls are smarter than that). It was quite obvious (why, for example, would Apple put "Safari Golden Master" in the application menu bar?), but has made me a bit more cautious.

I loved the Great Safari Safari leading up to v74, when seeded copies were leaking like a haunted house in a thunderstorm, but this is something quite different. Until I hear different, I'm keeping shy of this one.

stickman67 6/11/03, 2:49 AM EDT
Just an update on the Safari v80 thing. It turns out that it may -- and that's may -- be a genuine Apple beta that's been leaked. Still worth being careful, though, because it doesn't play the same way as those that have come before, and should be treated with more caution.

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