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 It's Time to Buy A Mac, Jack
There comes a time when we need band together as Mac users and tell the world to stop putting up with viruses, spyware, and general Windows annoyances and BUY A MAC! There's also a time when people who run Web sites don't have an idea for an article, so they slap together a piece culled from a list of bookmarks about Mac advocacy.

But hey, the end result is good for everyone, right!?! =)

Anyhow, here's a list of sites that all have really good reasons to put away the PC and buy a Macintosh.

Applelinks : "Mindshare" or: Evangelism begins at home

"People, most people, are used to dealing with Windows, which makes you do things its way... They don't understand that computers can be both powerful and easy to use. They think that the clunky, counter-intuitive way Windows works is just how computers are; another obstacle you have to deal with in your work life. They don't understand that there's a computer out there that acts as a tool to help you do the things you want to do."

OSviews.com : Today's PC Needs To Grow Up

"I think my PC purchasing decisions throughout the late nineties and the new millennium are akin to my Nova years. Throughout that time, I loved to take my computer apart, swap out this and that, then change, alter and configure 'till the wee hours of the morning. Now however, I think I'm starting to graduate beyond those earlier computing years, instead wanting to work or play with my computer with minimal fuss and also get maximum productivity or enjoyment from it."

The MacObserver : Mac Viruses By The Numbers - Word Macro: 553, Classic Mac: 26, OS X: Zero

The title pretty much says it all

OSviews.com : It's About Time You Bought a Mac

"This is an open letter to all the friends and family that back me into corners at family gatherings, or try to call me late in the evening seeking help with a computer problem. Do us both a big favor and go buy a Mac."

The MacObserver : University Picks Apple Xserve RAID For Dell Linux Cluster

"We looked at upgrading the supercomputer but that would have been too expensive for what we needed," Professor Bailes said. "Although we don't have much to do with Apple, after seeing its new Xserve RAID storage device we decided to evaluate it."


"The Xserve RAID is the cheapest system of its type and none of the other mainstream players have a comparable price," he said. "Also, at around 100Mbps read and write to disk, it is faster than our SCSI system which has an I/O of 50Mbps."

billpalmer.net : When will Windows users learn?

"Windows XP is not as secure and stable as Mac OS X or even UNIX and its variations. Don’t believe me, read all the news about the newest virus plaguing the Windows environment and all the other viruses that have recently brought systems down. By the way, none of these viruses plague the Macintosh platform."

(And in that article it's pointed out that Bill Gates says that Microsoft doesn't make new versions of software to fix bugs, only to sell more copies of the software.)

Consumer Reports

Not really an article per se, but it shows that Apple Technical Support is #1.

PC Magazine: Service & Reliability

In a reader poll of computer manufacturers, Apple came up tops.

Architosh : Opinion: Macintosh OS X Platform To Extend TCO Advantage in Near Future

It's not all about the cmputer with the cheapest price tag, as the article says, "Macintosh computers are 36 percent cheaper to run than Windows PCs."

MacInTouch.com : MacInTouch Reader Reports

A mixed bag of comments, but mostly about how Macs are cheaper for IT purposes and increase productivity.

"I own a company that provides outsource IT Services for small and medium sized companies. We have found that aside from the initial migration from OS 9 to OS X, our clients IT costs have not increased with OS X. If you include Apple based servers in the mix our billing has actually gone down since the release of the Xserve. The darn things just won't crash. That’s to bad for me, since I can't fix what isn't broken."

Thank God Microsoft is still producing software that works just well enough for companies to buy and just bad enough that I can make money installing patches and reloading OS's."

Mac vs. PC - The study of why Macs are better than PC's

Stemming from a school districts decision to standardize on PC's, John Droz made this great site offering reasons why Macs are better for teachers, students, and the support staff.

And last but not least, a couple links to pages that are constantly updated over at MacSpeedZone:

The Mac Partisan: Macs vs Windows - When Will Windows Users Learn That If You Run With Scissors You're Going To Get Hurt? ... A Resource

The Mac Partisan: Why Choose A Mac? Why The Dell Not ...! - A Resource

There you have it! If you're a Mac user, there are plenty of reasons to enforce your choice of platform, and if you don't own a Mac, well maybe these will help get you off the fence.

Also, if anyone has good links like this, send 'em our way. We'll set up a permanently changing list of links to sites with great reasons to buy a Mac.

Go Apple!

February 17 2004, 12:09 PM EDT, by

rlhamon 2/17/04, 1:01 PM EDT
From a person that built pc's and fixed all major brands of pc's and of course patched up Windows problems ( i say patch because some times those problems cannot be fixed) I can honestly say the Mac is the best computer on the planet.
I would also state that you don't have the hardware problems like irq conflicts and the other bs that comes with all standard pc's. I will also state that Apple uses better hardware that will withstand wear and tear better than the major brand pc's.
I have switch some people since I switched and I not one of them have been dissatisfied in fact all of the people wish they never wasted money on Hp or Dell or any other windows type system.
Even linux users agree Mac OS X is the best operating system that is available also I've noticed that linux users are the latest group of switchers to the Apple computer.

okcalla 2/17/04, 3:50 PM EDT
yea im one of those rlhamon switched. ive even built my own computer in search of the perfect computer. if i had only known!no viruses speed and above all else it does whta it is supposed to do. In fact ive got my friends parents thinkin of switching to a mac. Whats better about that is they just bought a new top of the line dell computer over the summer. that computer has had more viruses and patches put in it than exist! Not only that but the iPod is the best thing to happen to apple in a long time! go apple!

Jack Armstrong 2/17/04, 5:37 PM EDT
did someone call me?

sweetjimmyhugs 2/17/04, 8:41 PM EDT
I was reading some of those articles and something really amazed me; No matter how many times a Windows Lover gets a virus, they always seem to go back for more. It's like an old sailor-man that I was stationed with in the Navy. He got the Clap fourteen times from hookers overseas. You'd think he would've learned after the first nine times to use some protection.

Any time one of us smug Mac users brings up that we don't get as many (or any in OS X) viruses as our Window's using friends, we're blasted with the "Security through obscurity" argument. You know what, though? I don't care if it's because no one wants to bother with writing a virus for the Mac or if no one can, I'm just happy that my Mac works 99% of the time and I don't have to worry about it getting sick.

Oh yeah, and it's pretty too.

bambi 2/19/04, 3:02 PM EDT
Hey, 2 guys. Your site is GREAT! I love checking in here. (and YES & I'm a switcher & now a mac-fanatic!!)

I found a great Mac site, unfortunately it hasn't been updated for a LONG time, though it's still up & running!! The guy there compares Windows 95 to the Mac OS!! (and of course the Mac OS comes out on top!!) But he's also got a great page of HUGE Mac facts.

The site address is: 13idol.com/mac

speedyrev 2/20/04, 1:01 PM EDT
Decrease your Prozac dependancy, Buy a Mac!!!

Jonahan 2/20/04, 1:55 PM EDT
Cool Bambi, thanks for the props and the link!

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